1800 United States Census Surry County, North Carolina

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In the Census report he is living around his brother’s. George, Goldman, and Marmaduke. They’re all listed together in the 1800 Census.

Marriage Record Orman Kimbrough and Milley Patillo April 29, 1802 Granville, North Carolina

1810 United States Surry County, North Carolina

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In the Census report he is living around his brother George. His brother’s Goldman moved to Alabama and Marmaduke Jr. moved to Tennessee. 

Probate Records for Orman Kimbrough

Orman Kimbrough passed away somtime in 1818. In August of 1818 there was an inventory made of his Estate and by February of 1819 they started selling off all the personal items. By August of 1820 they had a net worth of $944.671/2 for the entire estate after all the debts were paid.  Milley had two step-daughters Sarah and Polly that were married and one step-son, Marmaduke who was still considered a minor as well as her own son George Henry(our ggg..grandfather who would eventually grow up and marry Esther Love Steele) It was a hard time for Milley. She had two son in-laws who were petitioning for their wives share of the property since Orman didn’t have a Will.  The property Orman owned had been in the family for a very long time. His father, Marmaduke had developed the land and Willed it to Orman before he died.  It produced and had wonderful orchards. He sold apple cider, and vinegar in town.  He was quite wealthy in his day, with the Mansion House he owned and the fertile land. It’s interesting to read the Inventory and Sales pages, they give you an idea of how his house was and what was important to him. He had a nice library and obviously loved to read good books.  Milley eventually got her 1/3 dower right. It was hard for her.  Orman’s cousin George Jr. stepped in and took over with caring for her son’s money as guardian and let her continue to live in the mansion house until he died just a couple years later. After that we don’t know what happened with Milley.  In Georges Will, he asks that his aunt Milley be taken care of like he has but leaves the final decision up to his executors.  I will attach that Will for reference. 

State of North Carolina, Surry County

Court of pleas and quarter sessions                     November term 1819

To the worshipful the Justice of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions For the County of Surry                                                                        The petition of John Turner in right of his wife Sally and Benjamin Howard in right of his wife Polly and Marmaduke and George Kimbrough by their guardian Dr. George Kimbrough humbly sheweth to your worship that Orman Kimbrough departed this life sometime in the 1819 seized and possessed of a track of land containing 475 acres lying in the county aforesaid upon the Yadkin River bounded by the lands of George Kimbrough Sen. and Jane Poindexter your petitioners share that the said John Turner in right of his wife Sally & Benjamin Howard in right of his wife Polly, Marmaduke & George Kimbrough by their guardian Dr. George Kimbrough are the heirs at law of the said Orman Kimbrough decd. And your petitioners charge that they are entitled by law to partition of two thirds of the said lands exclusive of the widows dower, which has been laid off to her; and that they are entitled to one fourth part each, of said two thirds of land. And your petitioners pray that your worship will cause a copy of this petition to issue to the sheriff of Surry County commanding him to summon five commissioners unconnected either by consanguinity to lay off and make partition of said lands And to make a return of the proceedings to the next court of pleas & quarter Sessions to be held for the County of Surry at the Court House in Rockford on the 2nd Monday in February; And your petitioners as is duty bound will for ever pray this 10th day of November 1819.

                                                         TN Wilson Attn for petitioners


Surry Court November term 1819. Ordered by the Court that Samuel S Davis, Joshua Crison, Davis Durrett, William C Bird, Joseph Sater five freeholders together with Samuel — surveyor be appointed commissioners to divide the lands of Ormon Kimbrough decd agreeably to the prayer of the petition of John Turner & others; and make report under their hands & seals to the next County Court — Jo Williams Clerk

Milly Pattillo's Petition for Dower Rights November 1818

State of N Carolina Surry County

To the worshipful the Justices of the Justices of the County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the County of Surry and State aforesaid The petition of Milly Kimbrough humbly complaining sheweth to your worship that Orman Kimbrough late of this County departed this life some time in the year 1818 leaving your petitioner his wife and relict and that the said Orman Kimbrough died without having made any last Will and Testament or without having made any provision for your petitioner his wife as aforesaid by giving or devising any part or parcel of his real Estate to your petitioner who is entitled to her Dower in his real Estate that the said Orman Kimbrough did die seized & possessed of several tracts or parcels of land lying & being in the County aforesaid on the waters of the Yadkin amounting to four hundred acres adjoining the lands of George Kimbrough & Joseph Williams which will more fully appear reference being had to the Deeds. Your petitioner therefore humbly prays your worship to issue a writ of dower to the Sheriff of this County commanding him to summon twelve freeholders of the County aforesaid unconnected with either of the parties by affinity or consanguinity entirely – with the Surveyor of the County to attend and lay off to your petitioner one third part of the said real Estate of the said Orman Kimbrough who died seized and possessed as aforesaid including the mansion house of the aforesaid Orman Kimbrough decd and that the Sheriff aforesaid put your petitioner in peacible possession thereof & that they make a return thereof to the next Court of pleas and quarter sessions how and in what manner they have acted & your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray.

                   Tho W Wilson Att for Pltff

State of N Carolina Surry County

To the Sheriff of Surry County greeting You are hereby commanded to summon a jury of twelve freeholders connected with the parties neither by consanguinity or affinity and entirely dist—who upon oath and which oath you are hereby empowered to administer shall allot and set off unto Milly Kimbrough relict of Orman Kimbrough late of this county decd one third part of the foregoing lands, and that you and said Jury shall put her into the possession of the same including the house or mansion or part or portion thereof in which Ormon Kimbrough decd most generally dwelt next before his decease and of all off— (Offices?) and houses, buildings and improvements thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining; And return of their proceedings you make unto our next — Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to behold for the said County of Surry at the Court House in Rockford on the second Monday of February next under the hands and seal of the jurors Herein Fail not and have you then and there this Writ Witness Joseph Williams Clerk of our said Court – office the second Monday of November AD 1818

                                    J Williams Clerk

Milly's One Year Allotment until the Petition's for Property was settled February 1819

Report of Allowance to Milly Kimbrough February term 1819

State N. Carolina Surry County).    In Obedience to an order from the County of Court of Surry to us Directed to lay out & Lott off one years support for Mildred Kimbrough widow and relict of Orman Kimbrough Decd. We do lay out and allot off as follows Twenty five Bushels of wheat one hundred seventeen and half bushels of Corn nine hogs first Choice of burrows One Cow and Calf with white Readish head and no horns, two brindle cows, two heifers, one red and the other white with black head which we think sufficient for one years support for said widow and family given under our hands and seals this 19th day of Sept. 1818

John Welch J.P. Seal JL Bird. Seal Sam McDale. Seal Joshua — Seal

Even though Milly Kimbrough was very much alive, in the early 1800’s a guardian would be appointed to take care of the child’s allotment until he came of age. They would call it Orphan records but our GGG…Grandfather George Henry Kimbrough wasn’t an orphan as we see his mother is taking her 1/3 of the property or Dower right since Orman didn’t have a written Will. George Kimbrough Jr. was appointed Guardian for George and his half brother Marmaduke Kimbrough.  This Guardian George Kimbrough Jr. was their cousin.  He was recently graduated from medical school.

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February 1819 Term- Milley Receives 145 Acres of Land

Report of the Jury Who Logged off the Dower of Land unto Milly Kimbrough Febry 1819 State of North Carolina Surry County).   

 We the undersigned Juriors being summoned by the Sheriff and duly sworn to allot unto Milley Kimbrough Widow and Relict of Orman Kimbrough Decd., one third part of four hundred and thirty eight acres of land on the Yadkin River which the said Orman Kimbrough died possessed of. We do certify that we did proceed to lay of unto the Milly Kimbrough one hundred and forty five acres of land out of the aforesaid tract and bounded as follows Beginning at ta stake on the River Band above the Shallowford in Poindexters line and runs —- North Eighty – Degrees East on said line, Sixty two Chains to a stake at the old corner of land Kimbroughs tract thence South Forty Degrees East Eleven Chains and thirty six links to a sawwood thence West Twenty two Chains to a Post Oak Saplin then South Eighteen Chains and Sixty four links to a small Hickory Bush Then South Eighty Six Degrees West forty chains to a Locust on the River Bank then up the same as it Meanders to the Beginning containing the aforesaid Quantity of one Hundred and forty five acres of land given under — Hands and seals this second day of February AD 1819 Signed and sealed by 13 people

Total Net of the Estate of Orman Kimbrough August Term 1820


To settle the Estate they had to pay all debts- This one is to John Welch

It’s interesting because you can get a feel for what Orman’s family purchased from John through the years.  John is asking for this account to be settled. 

The Estate of Orman Kimbrough-- Inventory August 1818

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Sale List of Perishable Property and Price February Term 1819

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You can see what GGG…Grandma Mildred Kimbrough purchased from her husbands property. I’m sure she didn’t have a lot of money and the purchases were made with the necessities in mind. 

Debts to be Paid before the Accounts are settled

The Estate of Orman Kimbrough to his son-in law Benjamin Howard

In 1816 Orman Kimbrough suffered some huge set backs with his farming. He turned to drinking whiskey and he borrowed more from John Welch and others previously in that year.  He owed his Son in law Benjamin Howard $34.40. His farm struggled because of the volcanic winter event, the eruption of Mount Tambora over seas that hurt the crops. It was termed the “Year without a summer” crops froze because of the eruption. We can see that Orman went on a little bit of a drinking binge at that time, it must of been a terribly difficult year for him.

So the big question is..."What happened to Mildred?

After searching through family Wills I found this clue…

…..my Executors are directed and requested to furnish Aunt Milly Kimbrough with provisions .. In the manner and way that I have heretofore done, reference may be had to my Books, it being for the rent of Milly’s dower lands and further I leave it discretionary with my executors how long to cultivate Patillo dower lands and to furnish Milly with a support….” Will of George Kimbrough Jr. (Orman’s brother, George Sr.’s son). George Died in 1823 at the age of 33, only a few short years after Milly had finished settling her husbands estate.

Orman Kimbrough's land

George Kimbrough Jr. bequeaths the land he bought from his Uncle Orman’s estate to his two brothers. “I will and bequeath unto my brother Ormond Kimbrough all my interest in the Shallowford tract of land formerly owned by Ormond Kimbrough Deceased….” and second “….I give and bequeath unto my brother Marmaduke Kimbrough the land I bought of Benjamin Howard where the widow Kimbrough now lives…” Benjamin Howard was married to Milley’s step-daughter Polly and they ended selling Polly’s share and moving to Kentucky.  If any of this is confusing email me and I can help straighten things out. It seems like the Kimbroughs like to use the same few names over and over in multiple families. After much research I figured this little mystery out with Orman and Milley’s story.