Family Patriots Dedicated To Giving And Serving In The Pursuit of Their Beliefs

There is a certain enthusiasm in liberty that makes human nature rise above itself, in acts of bravery and heroism.”     —Alexander Hamilton


Revolutionary War 1775-1783

Rev. Henry Patillo– Delegate 3rd Provincial Congress of North Carolina.  Member of Safety Committee, and read morning prayers before the Provincial Congress each day, Halifax 1775 (DAR confirmed) Kimbrough side.

Aaron Steele– South Carolina Militia Private–Rendered Material Aid (DAR confirmed) Kimbrough side

Capt Thomas Young– A Minuteman/Patriot, manufactured ammunition for Continental Army In North Carolina  Kimbrough side. (DAR Confirmed)

Henry Young– Captain of the 7th Virginia Regiment – Kimbrough side (DAR confirmed)

Benjamin Mathews– North Carolina Militia (DAR confirmed)  Helm Side

Robert Aiken– private in the 5th company,  2nd Battalion Philadelphia Militia- Commanded by Captain Andrew Kennedy under Lieut. Col. James Read.  Served in the 6th Continental Line, Commander in Chief’s Guards under Lieut. William Colfax. It was a detail that protected George Washington. Formed in 1776, the Guard was with Washington in all of his battles. It was disbanded in 1783 (DAR record confirmed information)

Headstone reads  “He was a Whig Soldier in the war of the American Revolution Strictly honest and of untiring industry …?? an independence,  living and dying without reproach” Kimbrough Side

Capt William A. Gaston Enlisted 25 Sept. 1775  South Carolina- Captain of the  New Acquisition Militia Regiment 1775-1779 Lower ninety-six district Regiment late 1779-1780, Hampton’s Regiment of Light Dragoons  (DARconfirmed) Kimbrough Side of the Family

Justice John Gaston (William’s Father-Historic Home site Marker reads- “Home Site of Justice John Gaston—Two miles south at Cedar Shoals on the south side of fishing Creek was the house of John Gaston, Esq. Justice of the Peace under both the Royal and State governments. Though advanced in years, he was the leading spirit in arousing resistance to the British in this area. All nine of his sons fought for freedom: four died in service. (DAR confirmed patriot) Kimbrough side

Robinson Ross– Private Jan. 1, 1783  3rd Regiment Maryland Continental Line. Awarded 100 acres in 1799  He received a Tenn. land grant in Williamson County for his service. Awarded $8 month pension in 1818 for his service. (DAR comfirmed Patriot) Helm side

Roger Tregoe– Private Maryland Militia. Letter dated June 28, 1781 “Sir, I have sent fourteen draughted Militia Men under the Care of Liuet. Hugh McGuire, procured und a late Act of Assembly, to serve in the Continental Army until the 10th December net. A List of the Names you have inserted below-several of them have been Waterman & seem very desirous of serving on board some of our Barges, particularly Peter Harington, Job Hubbert, Roger Tregoe & Anthony Tall Jr. I have desired Mr McGuire to apply to your Board to satisfy him for transporting the draughted Men to Annapolis. I have the Honour to be Sir yr. hible. Servt, Henry Hooper His Excellency the Governor — Dorchester County in Council.” Helm side

James Carter– Private Stewart’s Command Georgia Militia May 7, 1793  detachment of Militia Calvary under the command of Lt.. Col. Daniel Stewart , “on a pursuit of Indians” He was payed $3.75 for 4 days Kimbrough side

(Camille Helm Lundeen’s Ancestors represented 6 of the 13 colonies which included  Maryland, South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Virginia)


Battle of 1812

Battle of 1812 (1812-1815)

Marmaduke Kimbrough– 3rd Regiment West Tennessee Militia – Col. Lowry, Lieut.  Col. Hammons Battle of New Orleans Private -Kimbrough Side

Abner Alexander Steele– Nash’s Regiment South Carolina (Lieutenant) Kimbrough side

Edom C. Love-Mustered Jan. 28, 1814 Fayetteville TN 1st Tennessee Militia under Captain Andrew McCarty and Col. Richard Napier.  While standing duty one night it was below freezing and snowing outside. The arm that supported his gun got frostbite from the elbow down. He could never use it after that. He filed for a war pension because he couldn’t work.  (Helm side) Headstone reads “Edom Love Tennessee Private 1st Regiment Tenn. Militia War of 1812”

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Civil War 1861-1865

Learm more about the  Civil War..Links to informative Youtube clips

Civil War (1861-1865)

John Wesley Kimbrough– Company K 11th Mississippi Infantry Sergeant. Fought at Gettysburg and Antietam. Paid  $0.22 a day, Gunshot wound to nose at Antietam (Confederate) Kimbrough Side

Albert Emmett Jackson– Perrin’s 11th Mississippi Battalion Company A  Calvary-Private (Confederate)Kimbrough side

Jacob Westbrook Helm– Missouri State Guard –Confederate- Private, Carroll Co. Missouri 9th Infantry (Confederate) Helm side.

William Jackson Ross– Age 24  2nd Sergeant Company R 30th Texas Calvary Regiment –Enlisted July 13, 1862 for 3 years. Captain J.L.Smith’s Company. Valuation for Horse $17.00,  Equipment: $30.00   (Helm Side) (Confederate)Helm side

Logan Griffin– Crawford’s 1st Regiment, Arkansas Calvary  Private (Confederate)Helm side

Benjamin Goza Leavenworth’s Company (Confederate) Helm side.

Spanish-American War

Spanish-American War 1898

George Henry Kimbrough – Company K 1st Mississippi Infantry Regiment- Private (Record from Minnie Kimbrough applying for benefits) 

Tank Destroyer from World War II

World War II

World War II (1939-1945)

Captain Howard Kenneth Lundeen– Enlisted 7 May 1943 –Promoted to 2nd Lieutenant 18th Tank Destroyer Unit Camp Hood, Texas  “Nov. 8, 1943 Lt. Smith is an exceptionally earnest and hard working young officer. As a platoon leader he displayed effective leadership and superior ability as an instructor. As Assistant S-2 and Liaison officer he has applied himself energetically to improve his knowledge qualifications and his natural tact will prove of great assistance in liaison work.” Attended Officer School in Fort Riley, Kansas.  Howard Served 19 Months as Captain S-2 Intelligence Staff Officer. He also served 14 months as Commander of the Tank Destroyers Unit.  Date of Separation from the Army of the United States was February 18th 1946 Rank Captain. Decorations and Citations include American Theater Service Medal, Asiatic Pacific Medal, Victory Medal.
