Family Slide Presentation For The Family Reunion in Toquerville 1989

This was our happy home at 7457 Wish Avenue in Van Nuys, California, where we lived for 21 years. We purchased it new in 1951. Note the wide brick entrance fashioned by Dad, as well s the rail fence he split from discarded telephone poles.

My Parents- A life time of giving-- Tribute and Memories by their daughter

My father is 6’1″, which is average height, but I remember as a child knowing that he was the tallest man around. My mother was so supportive and came to all school and church programs where I was involved. I was always proud of her and felt  that she was very beautiful. 

   Mother was always proud of her southern background and the fact that many of her ancestors had been deeply religious and had played important roles in the founding and settling of this country. Her parents divorced when she wa young and this and other struggles caused her to have a painful childhood. After graduating from high school, at age 17, she left home to make her own way in the world

   My Father came from strong pioneer heritage. However, he also struggled with difficulties in his childhood because of a broken home. When he was seven, he lived with Grandma Peterson in East Garland, Utah, and it was her that he received a foundation in the Gospel which was to blossom later. He served as a captain in the Army during World War II and then married my mother in 1945– this Southern Methodist girl from Mississippi. He brought her right to Southern California, and I was born a year later, their first child and only daughter.

My brother was born in 1948. That year there was an epidemic of polio and my brother contracted a particularly serious kind before he was even a year old. While struggling through this, my parents looked up the ward leaders in the area where they lived and soon my brother was administered to. It was one of those special miracles. He was healed.

  My mother took the lessons and joined the Church and their lives of activity and participation together in the Church began. They have each served faithfully in many callings of leadership I can say that the Gospel has been at the center of our lives and our home. 

  My father is an artist. He was trained as a graphic artist and was hired by a commercial artist in Hollywood and Vine Streets in Hollywood, Southern California; where his work included projects for Walt Disney. Then later he was hired by the personal staff of Howard Hughes. He remained on his staff until he retired at the age of sixty-five, but in a much less glamorous and lucrative position, I think. We were not wealthy, but we always had what we wanted and needed– and we had our dad.

   We were fortunate to have had our mother at home with us–we were her life and we knew it. There were the three of us, myself, Kim, Kenny. Eight years after Kenny was born, two more boys came into the family, Kris, and Kelly. Mom managed the home, disciplined and taught us and made sure we ate well, dressed nicely and had every opportunity to take classes and participate in sports– to do and be all we could be.  Finally, when the youngest children were at school all day, she went back to school. It took many years of taking classes here and there, but she finally graduated from college with her BA the same year I received mine. She taught in jr. high , high school, and even in college through the years. She was my inspiration as a gifted teacher and I knew I wanted to be just like her.

  After the children were grown and gone, my parents served a mission in Colombia. This was hard for them at their age, but they learned the Spanish language, lived in difficult conditions, and again served faithfully. It was a great experience for them and for us as we benefitted from their strong letters. 

   My father had magnified his priesthood. My mother and father have remained true to the covenants they made in the Temple. Through their example and teachings all the children in this family have obtained college degrees, the sons have all fulfilled missions, we have all been married in the Temple and are doing our best to raise righteous families. They have 30 grandchildren and numerous great grandchildren with the potential for many more. These are the trophies in their case, the jewels in their crowns, for a lifetime of giving.    –Pamela Lundeen Larsen October 1997

Pam's Bedroom in the Wish Ave. House
Kim - Pam - Ken

“Family, I take great pleasure in the privilege I have of narrating this series of family photos we have acquired over the years. Actually, these slides began in 1956, and it is now June 1989 as we organize and preserve this collection in video form. Mom has been the more involved worker in this effort. and now , avoiding a lot of small talk, I will simply attempt to identify the slides.”  -Howard Lundeen


Under Construction.. Memories from Lundeen Family Vacation's and time together.

The FAMILY is the center of Life and the Key to Eternal Happiness... L. Tom Perry

Explore Lundeen Family Memories through the lens of a camera

Howard and Camille's Family Adventures

The best things in life are the people we love, the places we’ve been and the memories we’ve made along the way.

Lundeen Family Christmas

Yosemite Falls 1958

With Kris just a baby, the family packed up the car and headed off to Yosemite Falls. They all went swimming in Yosemite Public Pool and watched Yosemite firefall at night as the lights cascaded down the Yosemite Falls. Swimming in the Lake was a highlight of the trip.

Glacier National Park

Fremont Pass- Colorado

Kim and Parfait with Ken and Pam on the Rock. Baby Kris tagging along.  Fremont Pass is a mountian pass in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Fremont Pass Summit’s elevation is at 11,318 feet.

Ken and Kim with their baby brother Kris

Kim with Kris on his homemade cart 1958

Sequoia National Park 1958

Pam graduation from Primary


New Years Day 1959

Daddy in his office on 7000 Romaine, Hollywood

Kris and Parfait(Pam's Dog) 1958

Kris's First Birthday

Scouting was definitely a priority in the Lundeen Household

Kim and Ken were Cub Scouts and Kris looked up to his big brother’s.

Kim graduated to the regular scouting program. Ken was a weeblo scout.  Pam supported her younger brothers in all they did.

Tennis Lesson's and matches-They're all winners!!

Stake Luau- Pam, Grandma Gilbert, Dad, Mom, And One of the Johnson Girls


Ken, Mother, Kim, and Pam in Sunday Best Dress

Kim, Ken, Pam, Kris, Mother-- Softball fans


Breakfast on our Wish Avenue Patio

Kelly's 2nd Birthday

Kelly and Kris playing with the Kitten's

Kris and Kelly with the Kittens

Family Vacation at Carpinteria, California 1963

Kris and Kelly Horsing Around

Kris and Kelly Horsing Around

Kelly and Kris Collecting the eggs


Kelly's 4th Birthday Party


Kelly in Front of Wish Avenue House

Carpinteria, California 1964

Ken's Junior High Graduation


Kelly, Dad, Mother, and Kris in front of Manti Temple


The Family just kept growing and Family Reunions were always so much fun. Spending time with everyone was priceless...