Pam with her brother's about 1958

Pam wrote these Diary entries 1958-1959

She started writing in her Diary when she was just over 11 years old. It mentions a little about the Lundeen family life and what it was like to live at 7457 Wish Ave. Van Nuys, Calif.

January 1, 1958.    As I start to write the history of my childhood or at least some of it I wanted to say that I am going to look back when I am older and see what I did when I was younger. On this first day I am very excited and have been not being able to wait until tonight to write in my diary, so to start it; today was a very busy day with the TV we watch the Rose Parade the foot ballgames and just everything. I played tether-ball with Kim and for the first time want him there was no school today.

January 2, 1958    There was school today. It was just a plain day. I went to school just as every day. Did my studies, came home, did the homework I had which was writing 56 words and their meanings. I even had to memorize them for the test tomorrow. In my class in school my teacher Mrs. Wright told us that we were going on a trip, a camping trip to Clear Creek. We were to start packing today because we were going Monday. So I have been packing a little.

January 3, 1958   There was school today. Today I didn’t even open my suitcase but I did get my notebook done. I am the secretary so I have to write down everything we do there. I went to the store today to get the paper for it, and some things to put in your clothes that have your name on them. I am very excited to go. I just can’t wait till Monday and this is only Friday. In school we talked a lot about the trip. Mrs. Wright said that there might be a snowstorm Sunday.

January 4, 1958   Of course there was no school today because it was Saturday, good thing too. Because I used the whole day for packing and barely got it all in but I am about finished all I have to do is check over my list and be sure I have everything packed. Today January 4 my brother Kenny was baptized and tomorrow will be confirmed a member of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints church because he is eight years old and we are all proud of him. Also today I went to the movies and saw Old Yeller. It was very good.

January 5, 1958    There was no school today of course because today is Sunday and tomorrow is Monday the day I leave for my trip. I am so excited. I have been adding odds and ends to my suitcase but I think I am ready. I am very nervous because I am so afraid that everything isn’t going to go off right. Also today Kenny was confirmed a member of the church and the baby was blessed we are all so proud of him, I also for my testimony today.

January 6, 1915 today is Monday the day I leave for my trip it was a long ride but we got there and got unpacked and took a few hikes. Then we went back to bed. My Mother and Father,  my Kris,  my Kenny,  and my Kim are all at home so I wrote them a letter today. Today my group has K.P. In the kitchen. Washing dishes but the other group will have it starting dinner time. We have it tonight in the morning and at lunch. It isn’t very pleasing.

January 7, 1958    Today was a very exciting day. We took our first long hike and it was a long one too. We took a hike to the dam or we were supposed to anyway. On this hike we started off right hiking over the water. I fell down and slipped right into the water. It was cold. When I was dry we went on and got lost. We came to a big lake and didn’t know how to get across it. We finally climbed a steep mountain made of rock. We were picked up by a search party and taken home 9:00 pm after dark.

January 8, 1958    This was another very exciting day we took a hike over these waterfalls. The people that have gone before us a girl named Wendy fell in, so because I fell in the water yesterday I was getting teased about it today and got lots of help over them but just missed falling in the last one. I skinned my little fingers, both elbows and my right knee a little but it was loads of fun and we were back in time for supper.

January 9, 1858  Today we did no hiking at all but we had a very Full day. In the morning we went to plant little pine trees. It was a lot of fun, we each took a little tree, were taken to a spot and shown how to do it. Then we planted our own. When we got back we did crafts. And crafts we make things out of wood or rocks. I made some earrings just for a mother and a pen to match. They were made of shined manzineite. We made them from scratch.

January 10, 1958    This was a very sad day for everyone because it is the day we have to leave for home, some of us are happy and some sad. I am both, I want to see my family and also stay in the mountains. It rained a little this morning but stopped after a while. Most of today was spent on packing to go. All of our suitcases had to be very neat. Then we left on a bus. We got home at 1:20 PM we had to stay until school was out.

January 11, 1958    Today is my first day home. I am unpacking today and mother is washing all of my dirty things. It is a warm day but I don’t have anything to wear because everything seems to be dirty, my closet is bare it seems. Not much to do today but talk about my trip, of course I was kept very busy on that everyone wanted to know. I went shopping with mother and we looked at shoes for me. But I didn’t like any.

January 12, 1958    This is Sunday the Sabbath day. This morning we went to Church or Sunday School. It was as usual. But mother had to stay home with little Kris, Oh! That reminds me this is his birthday he is two months old. I wish he didn’t grow so fast, it doesn’t seem like two months since he was born at all. This morning down at the end of the street there was an automobile crash, but no one was hurt luckily.

January 13, 1958  Today, Monday went back to school again. Last Friday Mrs. Wright had said that we would be piled with work today so I was a little bit worried this morning but it wasn’t so bad as it sounded. I had a lot of homework though. After dinner we had a family night and it was my turn to lead so we just played a few games. But had fun. That dessert was ice cream with a candy on top.

January 14, 1958  This was a school day and it seemed like just a regular day except I got a shot today. My teacher told me that I was to give a talk in P.T.A. Thursday and today is Tuesday so I don’t have much time to prepare one but I am really at it right now. After school I went to primary. When we came home it got dark outside and the boys went out for a bike ride together. I was doing my homework.  And they got in a crash. Kim’s bike was really wrecked but Kenny’s bike only broke a spoke.

January 15, 1958 today was also a school day and it also was as usual. In school the people who had to gift talks practice them in front of the class. The teacher told me and Celic (who is my good girlfriend) that we had the best talks of all because they ran so smoothly and prepared like. This made me very proud and happy. Also today Celic and Twila who is another of my good girlfriends came over to see the baby and my home for I have seen both of theirs. We have lots of fun.

January 16, 1958 this wasn’t the usual day because it isn’t every day I give a talk for the PTA I think it went off OK I think I am still shaking from being up on the stage. On the stage I sat by Mark and Mike I was in the middle of them. I think Mike is a doll. If only he liked me, I don’t know, he might. Also today I got $10 worth of slips. I got a half straight one and a beautiful felt one. It has little flowers on it and it has three layers. I love it. It is very pretty.

January 17, 1958 Today was the last day of school for the week so I am very happy. Last night with such excitement about my talk and being up so late I am very tired today. Yesterday I forgot to say that a long time ago I got a penpal and yesterday I just got around to writing and mailing the first letter to her. Also today or should I say tonight I went on a daddy dinner date. It was loads of fun we took. We took our dinners in boxes. We had fried chicken.

January 18, 1958   This is not a school day of course because it is Saturday. This was quite a regular day. Nothing new happens. The lawn was fertilized and watered. Also, today was the Lundeen’s big shopping day. We must have bought the store out. This morning we went grocery shopping and spent too much $35.99. Then we went to Pennies white-sale and got some sheets and bath towels. Mother got three pairs of jeans and I got a beautiful pair of red shoses (shoes).

January 19, 1958 Today was very regular. Nothing new happened at all. So I will have a hard time filling this page. But I am going to try so hear (here) it goes: I went to church or Sunday school this morning and the lesson was called the first family. We are studying the Old Testament. The rest of the day was just playing tether-ball. Tonight I went on a bike ride with mother around the block about twice and back. Then I came home I went around riding alover (all over) with Kim.

January 20, 1958 This is Monday we had family night. But before that in school I was chosen to be a yard safety, a yard safety is one of the most choice positions, but today the first day I am tired of it because you just wander around the yard. Now back to family night; tonight there was to be a surprise. And we got it, we got a present it was a picture album. I got a pink one. We sorted outs all of the pictures we have. I got a lot.

January 21, 1958.   Today was a simple day. Mother and daddy had an argument. I felt so sorry for daddy and mother as they were running each other crazy. But every time I open my mouth daddy pounces on me even though I am rooting for him. Pam when you grow up think back to now if you can and when you feel like fighting with your husband think how it sounds. I am really hurt to the bone that mother and daddy would fight. I hope I won’t when I am married.

January 22, 1958  This was another school day. We had to test one was language and one was arithmetic. They were both quite hard. Today mother and daddy made a great accomplishment they didn’t argue and I bit,  they were very nice to each other. Today I just felt I couldn’t stand it I was getting very excited about boys,  heres who: 1. Mike 2. Doug 3. Steve 4. Dick 5. Ronnie 6. Danny… I love Mike and Steve

January 23, 1958   Today is Thursday only one more day of school before the weekend. Tomorrow there will be few tests and in the next page if I remember I will write how I did on them. Also today a man from the Bank of America told us that we were going to take a trip there next Thursday and then he told us a little bit about saving money. Answering all questions in which there were many. Mike didn’t choose me for dancing today.

January 24th 1958.  This is the last day of school for the week. A girl named Diana called me and asked me if I could come over tomorrow Saturday and play with her. Celia is one of my good friends and so is Diana but they are fighting over me. Diana tries to keep me away from Celia and Celia tries to keep me away from Diana. I am right in the middle. Tonight we put pictures in our photograph albums I have four pages filled with many more to go.

25th 1958 Today was Saturday no school today just play. I went to my girlfriends Diana’s house and I had a lot of fun we listen to Elvis Presley records and Ricky Nelson records and lots of them too. We played a game called name the capitals. It was loads of fun. Diana won because I told her some. I had lunch there. I saw Celia walking down the street but I was in the house so she didn’t say “hi.” Celia’s mother was supposed to have her baby today but I called tonight and she hasn’t gone. It is now 9:55pm at night and I am in bed.

January 26, 1958    This was a Sunday and a very nice one at that. This morning we went to Sunday school as usual. I don’t like it at all. I just go because I have to. Anyway after that I went to the store to get some pictures developed when I saw their records sale. $0.10 for a dollar record. I bought three and Kim bought two. They’re singing records. Also today Jean Phippen came over. It is now 10:30 at night.

January 27, 1958 Daddy’s Birthday… Today was a very full day but before I start on it I wanted to say that last Friday, January 24 I was supposed to write about how I did on some tests I had in school. On my spelling test I got 100% or an A, on the arithmetic test, I missed 2 ½ and I got a B.  That’s all of the tests. Now back to today. The reason today was so important is because today is my dad’s birthday. He is 46 years old. Dad got a red sweatshirt a Pirl (Pearl) Of Great Price with two other books and I gave him some grape juice. It is 10:25 PM late! Too late!

January 28th 1958      This was not a very interesting day at all. We just went to school as usual. At 9 o’clock our class gave a play on our trip to Clear Creek Camp. I was the one who gave a talk out of 8 others ..then I was in the campfire scene. There were other scenes though. Celia’s mother is going to have a baby tonight sometime. On the next page if she had it I will write down what it was and what information I can get from her about her, or he,(it) also today was a primary day. It is 8:40 PM

January 29, 1958   Today something happened that I hope never happens again. Mrs. Wright got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning and OK she was crabby just every little thing that we did was wrong. I hope this never happens again as I said. But something wonderful did happen today as I said on the other page Celia’s mother was going to have a baby and she did,  a baby boy. 7 lbs. 7 oz. I am writing in bed in the dark with only a little flashlight for light so the handwriting is tarable (terrible). It is 9:40 PM too late!

January 30, 1958 This was the day my class at school went on a trip to the Bank of America. It really was quite an interesting trip. I didn’t think so while on it,  but when I got home, I had to write the things I learned in the form of a story. Also today I got mothers birthday present because just tomorrow is her birthday. I got her a little $0.25 plant and a $0.29 tiny glass barrel to put it in. It’s really cute I think, I hope she will think the same. It is right now 9:40 PM late.

January 31, 1958 Mothers Birthday… Today was mothers birthday. In the morning I gave her the planter and Kim gave her a little salt and pepper shaker in the form of a toaster you just put a little love her and the bread comes up which are the salt and pepper shakers this was also the last day of the semister (semester) so we were on half-day. Some of the 6th graders would graduate today and there were some big boys that put lipstick all over the girls clothes and striped the boys. It is 10:25 PM very late.

February 1, 1958 Saturday- Today there was no school at all, I didn’t even leave the house or yard except to go to the store. Yesterday Steve came to school with the bandage off of his amputated finger and I got sick, I’m still, and I can’t get it out of my mind. Today I played dress-up with some of my girlfriends: Betsy, Debbie, and Maggie. Last it was in the paper that the first rocket left the ground and went into the air it is circling around the earth. It is 9:30 PM exactly.

February 2, 1958 this was an OK day no dash thing really exciting happens as usual on Sundays. This morning we went to Sunday school. And my lesson was on Abraham. It was very nice. Also today a man came called Mr. Telsa. He was selling encyclopedias and since we were in the market for a set we invited him in,  and after a few hours he convinced us of them. Before he left mother asked him “Are you a Mormon?” and he was. He said I’m sorry to be working on Sunday but I have too. It is 8 PM.

February 3 today is Monday the first day of the new simester(semester) it was quite a mixed up day because some 220 children were coming from another school to this one and I was chosen to be one of the ones to put them in different rooms and get them divided evenly. It was raining all night last night but didn’t rain a bit today but now it is pouring outside. I love it to rain all the harder. Tonight was family night and I gave a talk on A Promise. I am writing this in my bed with a flashlight. Mother doesn’t know. It is 9:25 PM late

February 4, 1958 This was a wonderful day because even though it is Tuesday there was no school because it rained very hard last night. So hard that it flooded most of the schools in the valley and Gault Street school which is our school was too, luckily! I am writing this lying across my bed but this time it’s OK with mother. I think she knows anyway. It is not raining right now but there are dark clouds and it will any minute. It is 8:20 PM fine.

February 5, 1958     Today it was announced that there would be school because none of the schools or streets were flooded. It didn’t rain last night or today at all. It was sonny (sunny) all morning but got a little dark and cloudy in the afternoon. It is not raining now. I am in my bed writing. I am doing this by just a flashlight because if I don’t do it now I’ll never get it done. Mother says it’s too late to write so I must do it this way. I and mother went to a fashion show and I am going to get some new dresses. It is 10:10 PM very late

February 6, 1958     This was a very usual day so I will not have anything very interesting to write tonight but here goes; today was sunny no rain at all. It was supposed to rain a storm this afternoon but it didn’t. I hope it does tomorrow or tonight it’s not right now. I am writing by a flash light in bed.

February 7, 1958     Today was the last day of the week and I am I glad for some reason I have had enough school for two days. It has been discussed that we go to the snow tomorrow, Saturday. Dad bought us a sled but the answer is on hand to a telephone call dad is supposed to get from his office I hope we can go. It did not rain today at all but I think it will someday soon. I am laying across my bed with my lights on mother is gone but daddy’s home and he knows it is 8:50pm. We are getting up at 6:00 am

February 8, 1958    This was not a school day of corse (course) because it is Saturday and was it ever fun. We got up at 6 o’clock in the morning and left for a big bear lake to the snow. When we arrived at the snow we got out of the car and as soon as we stepped in it we sunk 3 feet. We brought a round sled but I was afraid to go on it. But we had loads of fun. When we came home it was 6:30 PM I wasn’t here to see the weather I am sitting on the couch. It is 8:30 PM wonderful.

February 9, 1958     Today was not a very interesting day. It is Sunday this morning we went to Sunday school. I was given a part in a Biblical play. It is for part of a lesson two weeks away. My Sunday school teacher is Sister Cameron and my good friends are Patty P.,  Deana Young,  Sherry Caps, Carol Ann Tillman. Then it was a regular day. It has been a very hot day. I am writing this in a chair. Mother knows and is here. It is 9:05 PM

February 10, 1958     This is the first day of the week Monday, and of course there was school. Mrs. Wright was in a very nice mood today so that made school very nice. I have been thinking how handsome Mike is looking each day. I try not to think anything about him during school. I washed parfait today. It has been very hot today. I am sitting in a chair. Dad just came home. Kim is reading every word I write he’s not letting me get by with anything. It is 7:05 PM

February 11, 1958 Today is the second day of the week Tuesday I just can’t wait till tomorrow thank goodness there is no school, no homework, nothing but play. Yay! this was a very regular day as usual.. school. We had a Spanish test and that’s about all we get on weekdays but except Friday that’s our day full with Tests of all kinds. I am in my bed. Mother and dad have gone to the temple. It was hot today it is 10:40 PM Not Late

February 12, 1958 This is Kris’s birthday and also Abraham Lincoln’s birthday. As I wrote on the last page there was no school today and am I glad, I had lots of great fun this morning was very foggy and as it got later it rained just a little. I hope it does tomorrow too, then I can take care of a younger class. I am in my bed with the Hall light on. Mother and dad went out to a movie, I don’t know what they are seeing. It is 10:00 PM Late

February 13, 1958 today was very nice but very regular. As you can probably see I have changed my slant to my handwriting a little and like it very much. I will probably be using it a lot from now on it is a little more strenuous on the hand but I like the look and new slant. It is a left handers slant. But I am not left-handed. This has been a quite warm or should I say very hot. Quite a change from rainy yesterday isn’t it for whoever is reading this book and page. I am in bed with a flashlight it is 8:25 PM Fine.

February 14, 1958     This is Valentine’s Day and was it exciting. First I take care of a first grade class and they gave Celia and I a scarf… a yellow scarf all wrapped up. So we decided to give them a little party and tomorrow I am going over to Celia’s house to practice a play and make the cookies for the party. I got about 35 valentines as a rough guess and gave out about 20. I got the most beautiful Valentine from Celia I am going to save it. I am in bed. it has been hot it is about 9:30 PM

February 15th 1958.   Today was a very nice day exciting day. At 11 in the morning I went with Twila and Sheila to Celia’s house to practice a play I made up. Celia and I are going to make some cookies for the first grade class we take care of. Also today we were called by our nicknames. Yesterday at school we told the girls our given nicknames. Mine is Peanuts. I think it is cute today was very warm and sticky in the air I am in bed again under a flashlight it is 9:30 PM Too Late

February 16, 1958     This was a very boring day except for later this afternoon I made about 200 cookies for the family while Mother and Dad went to church. Last night I didn’t get a chance to write that I got my haircut very short. It was very long but was very hard to take care of so I was very anxious to get it cut real short. I came home and washed it and ran a comb through it very easily. It was hot. I am in my bed with a flashlight. It is 9:35 PM late

February 17, 1958    Today was a very usual day at school and at home. In the morning I went to school as usual and did my lessons. I came home with Twila or Twinkie her nickname. And did my little bit of spelling homework. It was very hot today, but in the morning it’s very cold and foggy. Today it was hot morning till and through night. I am in my bed writing under a flashlight because after 8:30 I can’t do it because it’s too late and it takes at least 10 minutes to write in here. So here I am. It is 9:13 PM Pretty Late.

February 18, 1958.  This was a very regular day too. Nothing exciting happened. School as usual. We came home and went to primary, I got two little sets of diamonds on my bundalow. I get one more set next week. That will be the last emblems I will get in primary because I will be going into mutual pretty soon. I am in bed under a flashlight as usual. I don’t know what I’ll do when it runs out. It was cloudy today but no rain yet. It is 9:20 PM. Late

February 19, 1958.   Today it rained so hard and last night too. But there was no school today because they were flooded completely so we could not Cross Shirman Way  Street in the on the way to school. It has rained constantly today very hard so every place and thing would be flooded deep. I hope there is no school tomorrow and may it rain all the more. I am in my bed. What else can I do when mother says it’s too late to write in your diary Pam. So I half to do this. It is 9:35 PM. Late

February 20, 1958.    This is a school day of course, always school, always school, but I love it. Mother got real real boiling mad at me because I didn’t do my jobs and I never did any work but that’s not true because I ironed my dresses took care of the baby while mommy did her shopping, I open the encyclopedias and put them away and folded the clothes besides doing my bed and room. I don’t think it’s fair. I couldn’t even get my allowance. It is 9:30 PM. Late

February 21, 1958     Today was school too as usual but I don’t take care of that class anymore. Tomorrow we are going to the resavor(reservoir). But today’s Celia, Linda K, Twila, and I practiced a play that we are putting on for the school. Two days ago yesterday and today I have been whistled at by boys and speaking of boys I have a new boy and friend, Dick. And tonight I just got home from a Cub Scout banquet it was fun. It is 10:10 PM. Late

February 22, 1958.   This was a very exciting day for me and my family. We went with some friends to a beautiful combination of valley, water, and mountains. It had a big fence around it with hundreds of acres. I guess. We had lots of fun I shot the first bullet out of a gun I ever shot before. I found a skull of an animal I forgot now something like a possum. It is frightful. It was cold up there. I am in my bed as usual. It is 9:40 PM.

February 23, 1958 Today was boaring(boring) as usual on Sundays because we can’t play I am writing this on Monday night because I didn’t get a chance to Sunday. So what I can remember I’ll write. We went to Sunday school had our lesson which was a play and I was in it. It was very hot today it has been the last couple of days. It is mesarble(miserable) and I am in bed under a flashlight as usual what else can I do. It is 10:00 PM. Late

February 24, 1958.  This day is something very wonderful happen to me and seven other kids; four boys and three girls. We were asked to be on television Friday at 10:30 on channel 5 of corse(course) all of us axcepted(excepted) the invitation immediately on being asked. We were excited to represent the school district because of our charming personalities. We had our auction today. Then we signed our contracts I am in bed as usual. It was hot today. It is 9:50 PM

February 25, 1958.   Today I have been quiet excited about Friday and wish it would hurry up and come. Three more days. Today the sun was very uncertain whether it should come out or not. It kept on going in and coming out so sometimes it’s dark and sometimes it’s light and not. The date in which I am writing this is Sunday because I am so far behind. I have a lot to catch up on. I am in my bed but it’s early in the morning it is 6:45 AM

February 26, 1958 this was a regular day except each day I get more nervous and excited about it. At 2 o’clock the seven that were picked in the audition went into the teachers room and talked about what we were to do, wear and see there. And if there were any questions. Today was a cold and hot day. I couldn’t say. It is 6:50 in the morning

February 27, 1958 today is getting terrible how I can’t do any of my work because I am so excited and nervous each hour. I have a terrible cold and mother got some medicine for it. Tonight I hope to get rid of it before tomorrow. Tomorrow is the big day! I hope I can sleep tonight. Oh, here mother comes with my medicine again. As I wrote on the last two pages I am in bed in the morning. It is 6:52 on Sunday morning

February 28, 1958 This is the day I just couldn’t wait to get to school. We went in Mrs. Wright’s big black Cadillac. When we got to the studio there were cameras and lights all over the place. We were treated like movie stars and I began to feel like one. Then we went through the movie set. We were to watch a Movie and then discuss it between all of us. The whole school district was watching us. We were the center of attention when we got back. It is 7 AM in the morning.

March 2, 1958 today was quite boring a day. In the morning we went to Sunday school. Our lesson was on Isic(Isaac) and Rebekah and when Abraham died. I still don’t think I have quite gotten over Friday yet even thow two days and a half have passed already and it doesn’t even seem like it at all. Time passes so swiftly I stayed home with the baby while mother and daddy went to church. It is 8:15       

March 3 1958.   This Monday was the first day of school from the weekend as I said on the last page time does fly very fast. It’s still haven’t gotten over Friday, I don’t know when I will that was an experience to remember and chairish(cherish) all my life. I don’t think I will Forget it. Today was warm, just nice enough to like. I wish it would rain now. I like rain a lot. It is 8:25. Fine

March 4, 1958 today was primary which was very nice because I got the last emblem I’m going to get… except my graduation scroll. I learned that those who are finished (like me) on their bandalows can go in other classes and help the teacher with the little kids games and lessons. I get to start next week I can’t hardly wait I just love to take care of children. I am in my bed. It is 8:40

March 5, 1958 Kim’s birthday he’s 10. This is Wednesday and nothing exciting happened except I forgot to say I was chosen President of the class last Friday. Monday it was really hard everything wrong seem to come off. Tuesday it was a little bit better and easier and I didn’t think I was such a failure Tuesday. And today is just as simple as {-} that. I’m not having hardly any trouble at all just a few flaws. It is 8:30

March 6, 1958 yesterday I forgot to say that my class went to see an opera for $.80. That’s a low price! Today was nice. Being president isn’t at all hard. I am a nin- come- poop. I forgot that last Wednesday was Kim’s birthday and I forgot all about it. I gave him a bunch of stuff for his new notebook. Kenny got a pair of PJs. It’s about 9:30 PM. Late

March 7, 1958 today is the last day of the week and one week of my term and being present. I am able to have it for two weeks. I certainly got my days on the wrong dates and got a big mixup. Daddy had to fix it for me. I forgot it was leap year and got one too many days in February which made me have to skip the last page because I didn’t notice my days were mixed up till it was too late. It rained a little today and I am in my bed. It is 11:45 we saw a good movie called The Yearling.

March 8, 1958 This is Saturday a day for play but also daily chores. Tomorrow is stake conference and daddy went to a night meeting for the high council men in which he is. Today was very nice. Three days ago I brought my little lamp in my room and set it on a desk.  I have been using it when I write in my diary at night instead of my dim dim flashlight. Today was sunny part time and dark another. I am in bed it is 8:55. Fine

March 9, 1958     Today was conference and I couldn’t go to the morning session but I took care of the baby only daddy went the rest of us had to stay home because daddy could not come and pick us up after his priesthood meeting. We are usually there and willing. With Kris it is very hard because he can’t sit through a whole meeting without getting hungry. I went to the night meeting which was mutual meeting. I am in bed. It is 8:40. Fine

March 10, 1958 this is another day of school and I am still president. I had a nice day in school today even though it is the first day of the new week and that is usually the hardest day of the whole week in school for trying to think because you’ve just had a vacation. But I didn’t do anything social this weekend maybe that’s why I am not having any trouble. It is 8:05. Very early.

March 11, 1958 today the second day of school I am still president and I am getting a little tired of it. Today was also primary and I was looking forward to it so much this time because I thought we were going to be able to take care of a room, but we didn’t.  Today was very cold. I think it will rain tomorrow. I am in my bed with a little lamp on the left side of it. It is very early. It is only 8:10 AM

March 12    Kris will be four months old.  This is the third day of the week and a school day of course. The reason my writing has changed is because I just hate to write with the same writing for a period of time and besides I don’t think this writing looks so awful. Today after school a girl named Pamela Bennett came over to visit me and I like her very much. Today I got a new job at school, and it is excusing the primary kids from the cafeteria and today it rained so I took care of a few classes. It is 8:30. Early

March 13, 1958 A couple of days ago I thought I was cutting my 12 year molars but today it has been hurting me so much that I’m going to the dentist after school. I went to the dentist and he said that I had a boil in my mouth and he gave me two shots and cut a hole in my gums so the puss could run out. I have another appointment Saturday. At 1:30 PM. I am in my bed with no light it is 8:30

March 14, 1958 This is the last day in my term as president and I am sort of sad and glad too because it looks like it so easy but it’s really very hard to get up in front of a noisy class.

March 15, 1958 I lost my diary and couldn’t write in it for a copal(couple) of days but I hope it won’t be missed.

March 23, 1958 today is Sunday and was very usual. We went to church and my lesson was on Isaac when he gets married and his 13 children. Last Thursday my mother had a crash in the car and it was terrible. The whole side of the car was wrecked in. We have two cars one is a 1955 Chevrolet and a 1946. On the Page I have told some about myself so now maybe you can get a clear picture of me. It is 8:50 PM late. No one was hurt in the crash.

April 7, 1959 Today was Tuesday. Iam in Junior High now 7th grade and have some homework. My teachers and subjrcts are 1st period Phys. Ed. Mrs. Perry 2nd Period Soc. St. Mrs. Edinger  3rd Period Music Mrs. Ross, 4th Period Lunch -food 5th Period English Mrs. Emrick and 6th Period Math Mr. Crossman 7th Period Clothing Mrs. Burrow.  I am making a red skirt and I’m almost finished. The boys had to go to primary today and I had to babysit Kris. We walked to the store and he fussed a little but I bought him some gum and he was happy.

August 5, 1959 I’m truly sorry the story is so choppy but sometimes I am just too busy to write in it, so I take it up the next year. I am in junior high and am in the eighth grade. It is summer and these past few days I haven’t done much. This morning was an exception though. I was picked up by my girlfriend Sherry Machan and we went horseback riding. The first time I had ever been on a horse. What an experience! I got a wild Horse as did Sherry and we went flying over those hills so fast! We paid $2.00 to ride one hour 8:15 to 9:15 was our hour,  what fun. Otherwise a full day.


August 6, 1959   Today was a nice day all in all, it was quite warm as most days are since nothing happen today I want to go back a few weeks I took a course in Charm School at the Broadway Store. It includes four lessons. A few weeks later I got a call from the teacher saying she had called all of the girls and wanted each of them to come down and audition for a modeling job. Well I was thrilled. I auditioned and along with three other girls won. We are to come in tomorrow for a fitting and learn details. Also we went to the Hollywood bowl tonight.


August 7, 1959 Today was also a nice day but as usual quite warm. Nothing interesting happened today because the lady from Broadway called and said something came up and they would have to postpone the fitting until the 19th of this month. Grandma flew out from Alabama about a month ago we picked her up at the airport. She is here to stay because she got a job as a manager of a nice apartment house The Sunset Terrace. It is in Hollywood on Sunset Strip. She is quite happy there and I got to visit her. My pen is acting up so I can’t go on.


August 9, 1959 yes This is Sunday. The regular wonderful routine of getting ready for Sunday School. It starts at 9:30 AM and is over at 11 PM. It was a nice opening exercises, then we went to our separate classes. For about 15 minutes we didn’t have a teacher but finally Brother Homer came in, books in hand. He gave a wonderful lesson on the church temples. That night we went to a different ward sacrament meeting, Van Nuys II. Ours starts and goes from 4:00 to 5:30 PM and then Van Nuys II goes from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM it was very nice. It was a hot day


August 10, 1959.   Today Monday was warm it was quite a big day. Mother decided to take the girl down the street, Susan age 17 to get a job. She took Kim, Kenny. Kris and I to Reseda Park. Kris was in my possession. We rode on the boat on the pond for a while, chasing the ducks, and Kris just loved it. Then we took Kris over to the little swings. We got an ice cream and had a lot of fun. Mother came to pick us up at 12:00 PM and Susan had not gotten a job. Tonight we made ice cream. Yummmm good

May 26, 1961 Dear diary,  it has been just ages since I have written and lots has happened. For one thing I have grown both physically and mentally. Now being in the ninth grade I am planning on graduating this semester. I have met the most wonderful friends at Birmingham. Working in Girls League I have met Joy Voita, and of course there is Sherry Machan, whom I have grown very close to these last five years but just a few weeks ago I met Sue K. A very strange girl yet one of the sweetest I have ever met. Very interesting things have happened since I met her which I shall have to explain later   Love Pam