Leaves and Branches On The Steele Family Tree

Legacy & Memories Of The Steele Family Tree

Esther Love Steele & George Henry Kimbrough

Esther was one of the youngest daughters of Abner and Elizabeth. Born in Alabama around 1817. She met George Henry Kimbrough in Alabama while he was visiting his family. They fell in love, married in 1835 and moved to Kemper, Mississippi to raise their family.

Abner Alexander Steele & Elizabeth Deale

Abner was a patriot in the war for freedom from British tyranny as he valiantly fought in the War of 1812. In 1824 he purchased land in Alabama and built a large plantation for his Elizabeth and his young family. 

Aaron Steele & Violet Alexander

Aaron Steele was a patriot, fighting for the freedoms we all hold so dear during the American Revolutionary War. He met and married Violet Alexander. He died in 1795, in Abbeville County, South Carolina. He believed in truth and liberty and in the American  Dream.