Map of Maury County, Tennessee/ William J. Ross Birth Place

William Jackson Ross was born to John Ross and Sabrina Love in Maury Co., Tennessee in 1837. His father died in a logging accident. Sabry supported her family by making clothing. After her daughter, William’s oldest sister got married the family moved to Cleburne, Johnson Co., Texas. William was a young teenager at the time.

Map of Union Co., Arkansas/ Nancy Sheppard Griffin Birth Place

Nancy was born in December 1857 to Logan Griffin and Mary Wesson in Union, Arkansas. In 1860 there post office is listed as Three Creeks. If you look at the lower left corner of Union County you will notice Three Creeks on the map.  She met William at the age of 21 years old and married him in Johnston, Texas with his family being present. 

Map of Johnson County, Texas 1880

Capt. William Jackson Ross was born in Tennesse and shortly after his father’s death around his teenage years he moved to Texas and raised his families their until he died in 1906

William Jackson Ross Born 1837 in Maury, Tennessee

1840 Census Maury, Tennessee

1850 Census Lewis, Tennessee

1860 Census Dallas Texas

William’s Mother, Sister- Martha, and her husband and children  were living in Dallas area while he was Mining for Gold in the California’s Gold Rush.

Cleburne, Texas

William and Nannie Ross lived together in Cleburne, Texas. They raised their kids which included May Ross–Camille’s Paternal Grandfather and Grandmother