Capt. Henry Young--Revolutionary War Patriot

Commissioned- Captain of the Virginia 7th Regiment Dec. 28, 1776

Henry Young was Quarter Master General for Virginia 1779-1783





Captain Henry Young was part of the 7th Virginia Regiment that latter joined with the 5th and 11th Virginia Regiment. He was stationed at Valley Forge during the winter of 177-1778. He took part in the following battles;  Battle of BrandywineBattle of GermantownBattle of Monmouth and the Siege of Charleston. The regiment was joined to the 3rd Virginia Regiment on May 12, 1779. General William Russell and Col. Josiah Parker were two of its commanders.  Capt. Henry Young was sick for a period of time during his service like many of the soldiers at that time. He recieved 40 dollars a day for pay, but by the end of the war he received 60 dollars a day.  The Captains were ranked in order of seniority. He’s listed as being No. 13, No. 11, but by the end of the war he was ranked No. 1.  Henry served and fought for 6 year before retiring December of 1782. Henry joined the Society of the Cincinatti in 1783 and became their Assistant Treasurer. He worked hard to build a better United States, one founded on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 

We believe he married Mary Ann Brooks in the early 1780’s.  They had a daughter Martha Esther (Patsey) in 1785; She married Marmaduke Kimbrough

Henry received 300 acres of land for his service during the Revolutionary War. He settled and raised his family in Sumner County, Tennessee.  He built a plantation and farmed the land for many years until his death in 1810-1811. 

Battles fought by Captain Henry Young- Battle of Trenton, Battle of Monmouth, Chesapeake Bay, Northern New Jersey, Defense of Philadelphia, Philadelphia-Monmouth, Battle of Brandywine,  Battle of Germantown and the Siege of Charleston

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Source: Valley Forge; The Muster Roll Project

Captain Henry Young-- Valley Forge December 1777- June 1778

Captain Henry Young fought many previous engagements before heading to Valley Forge. Previous Engagements: Chesapeake Bay, Northern New Jersey, Defense of Philadelphia, Philadelphia-Monmouth. Henry watched and fought the British at Monmouth. He watched Philadelphia be taken over. After Philadelphia they all marched to Valley Forge. The six-month encampment of General George Washington’s Continental Army at Valley Forge in the winter of 1777-1778 was a major turning point in the American Revolutionary War. While conditions were notoriously cold and harsh and provisions were in short supply, it was at the winter camp where George Washington proved his mettle and, with the help of former Prussian military officer Friedrich Wilhelm Baron von Steuben, transformed a battered Continental Army into a unified, world-class fighting force capable of beating the British. Henry Young is listed as Captain of the Virginia 7th Regiment on muster roll at Valley Forge during this time. His Regiment was part of Marquis de Lafayette’s Command when they left that summer.

“Naked and starving as they are we cannot enough admire the incomparable patience and fidelity of the soldiery.”
-General George Washington at Valley Forge, February 16, 1778.

“In December, 1777, General George Washington moved the Continental Army to their winter quarters at Valley Forge. Though Revolutionary forces had secured a pivotal victory at Saratoga in September and October, Washington’s army suffered defeats at Brandywine, Paoli, and Germantown, Pennsylvania. The rebel capital, Philadelphia, fell into British hands. By the time the army marched into Valley Forge on December 19, they were suffering not only from cold, hunger, and fatigue, but from low morale in the wake of the disastrous Philadelphia Campaign.

Washington described Valley Forge as “a dreary kind of place and uncomfortably provided.” Only 20 miles from British-occupied Philadelphia, in eastern Pennsylvania, Valley Forge presented a strategic location that allowed Washington’s army to stay close to the city while maintaining a defensible position that offered access to clean water and firewood. However, in spite of these advantages, Washington’s army was ill-prepared for the encampment that would last six months. The army’s supply of basic necessities, like food and clothing, ran perpetually short; coupled with the wintertime cold, and the diseases that ran rampant through the camp, this lack of provisions created the infamously miserable conditions at Valley Forge.

The army camped at Valley Forge consisted of as many as 12,000 Continentals, as well as smaller numbers of African American and Native American soldiers. A number of women and children, including officers’ wives, were also present at Valley Forge, having joined their husbands or family members in the encampment. While wintering in the camp, soldiers worked together to build huts for shelter, but unsanitary conditions, and shortages of food and blankets contributed to the disease and exhaustion which continually plagued the camp. The lack of clothing alone, including shoes, socks, and coats left as many as 3,000 of Washington’s troops unfit for service, creating the image of starving, wearied soldiers leaving bloodied footprints in the snow and ice. A Continental Army Private, Joseph Plumb Martin wrote that the army’s new winter quarters left them “in a truly forlorn condition,—no clothing, no provisions, and as disheartened as need be.”

Though Washington pleaded with the Continental Congress and state governors to obtain food and supplies for his suffering army, starvation, and such dieses as typhus and smallpox, and a lack of protection from the elements caused the death of more than 2,000 soldiers. Washington eventually resorted to sending men, led by Nathanael Greene, on foraging missions to procure what provisions could be found in the surrounding countryside. Beyond vying with Congress for the supplies his army desperately needed, Washington had also to contend with threats to his authority that came from ordeals like the Conway Cabal and rivalries between military leaders. Washington’s steady leadership was crucial to keeping the army intact through the logistical and administrative hardships of the winter of 1777-1778, and it likely accounted for the fact that there was a never a mass desertion or mutiny at Valley Forge.

Despite brutal conditions, Valley Forge marked a milestone in the army’s military experience. In February, 1778, Baron Friedrich von Steuben arrived at Valley Forge, where Washington appointed him unofficial Inspector General of the camp shortly thereafter. Baron von Steuben worked to bring uniformity to the continental soldiers, who had seen combat, but lacked the martial training to pose an effective threat to the British. He developed a system of drill for the entire army and taught the men combat maneuvers that equipped them to rival the well-trained British regulars. Steuben’s previous experience in the Prussian army during the Seven Years’ War prepared him to oversee the military training Washington’s men so desperately needed, and by the end of the encampment at Valley Forge, the army had undergone a significant transformation, from ragtag and wearied recruits to an ordered and disciplined fighting force.

The Marquis de Lafayette, a French officer, who provided another noteworthy addition to Washington’s staff at Valley Forge. Lafayette arrived at the camp with the army in December, 1777. Like Steuben, Lafayette engaged directly with his soldiers and became well known for enduring the same hardships as his men while working to ensure they were provided with as many resources as possible. Esteemed for his bravery, Lafayette became popular among the Continentals and well known for his dedication both to General Washington and the American cause.

News of a French alliance with the Americans came in May, 1778, a few weeks before the army’s departure from camp in June of the same year. Revitalized, reorganized, and uniformly trained, the army would forge ahead and display their newfound professionalism and discipline at the Battle of Monmouth in June, 1778. Valley Forge was significant not only for the reshaping Washington’s army, but for the dedication, endurance, and resilience demonstrated by the Americans in their cause for Independence.” American Battlefield Trust

Henry Young-Virgina 6th Company

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Capt. Henry Young was the Asst. Treasurer for a Patriotic group called The Society Of The Cincinnati

Certificate Captain Henry Young received for being a member in The Society of the Cincinnati. Signed by George Washington. 

patriotic symbols to commemorate the achievement of American independence on the certificate include; On the left, an American eagle shoots lightning bolts at a cowering British lion and the female figure of Britannia, with a soldier representing American liberty standing nearby. The French fleet sails to the Americans’ aid in the center, while the angel Fame trumpets their victory on the right. The Eagle of the Society radiates above the scene. Henry Knox, the Society’s first secretary general, called L’Enfant’s work on the diploma “a noble effort of genius.”

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Emblem for The Society Of The Cincinnati

The Motto “Omnia relinquit servare rempublicam,” which translates to “He relinquished everything to serve the Republic.”

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In naming the Society of the Cincinnati after Cincinnatus, its founders lauded the service of all American soldiers who put aside their civilian lives to fight for their country’s independence. In the fifth century BC, Cincinnatus was called from his plow by Roman senators to defend his nation from foreign invaders, then relinquished his titles and arms to return to his farm following victory. To many, Washington was the Roman’s modern-day counterpart. He led American troops in defense of their liberties against Great Britain, then resigned his commission and settled into domestic life at his Virginia plantation. Washington’s officers, and particularly those men who became original Society members, closely identified with this citizen-soldier ideal. The willingness of these officers to abandon their swords and support the subordination of military power to civilian rule also helped define the new American republic

Henry Young's Will November 30, 1810