Robert Aiken was Born March 13, 1760 in Pennsylvania and served in the 5th Company, 2nd Battalion, Philadelphia Militia commanded by Captain Andrew Kennedy under Lieut. Colonel James Reed

Robert Aiken Probate Record Oct. 3, 1827

It appearing to the states faction of the court that Roberts Akin late of Tuscaloosa County deceased had died without any lawful Will also that Esther Aiken the widow and relict of said Robert Aiken renounced all right of the estate of her deceased husband and the application of John G Aiken and Cyrus Aiken are the kindred to said deceased in this state for letters of administration on said Estate it is Ordained by the court that letters of Administration is granted to the said John G Akin and Cyrus Akin on all and Legator of the Goods And Chattels, Rights and Deeds of said Robert Akin Deceased. They having entered into bond in the sum of fourteen Thousand Dollars with Mathew Jackson and William Akin the securities and having qualified according to law as such.

Source: SLC Family History Library Microfilm 1631966  item 2  or Pg. 278 Pg. 373 Oct. 3, 1827  Researched and copied by Camille Lundeen (copy to big to scan)