
Maps relating to when they were born, where they lived, and where they are buried.

Family Records

Records related to , Land Grants, Christening's, Military News Papers, Census, Etc.


Timeline of the important events related to their lives individually and together.


Family pictures that help us understand who they were and how they looked.

Charles Augustus Helm

May Ross

Born: Arkansas June  1875   Died: Arkansas 1961

Born: Texas 1880     Died: Arkansas 1961

Charles Augustus was a farmer all his life. He always had a wonderful vegetable garden and flowers even in his later years.

Notes of Trudie Helm Stone Jordan, daughter:   Charles Augustus Helm- My Father

    “Our father, Charles Augustus Helm, was a devoted father and husband. He was a farmer, a timber man, and a merchant throughout his life. He was a lifetime member of the Methodist Church and always saw to it that his family had a nice way to go to church and that we were well dressed. He saw to it that we had fine buggy horses that we were exceptionally proud of. He played games with his boys and their friends, and had horses for them to ride, and swings and other games. He was a good provider in every way. He loved to have his family gather around and sing religious songs for hours. He had a variety of fruit trees, which we were at liberty to share with our friends and neighbors. Like my mother, nothing was too good for our neighbors. He only allowed the best of people, in character, to be entertained in his home. He taught us the importance of a good character and that honesty is the best policy. His word was his honor. During his 86 years of life, I never heard of anyone who doubted his word or deed of honesty. We were allowed to go for buggy rides, driving those beautiful horses just like youngsters go for car rides today.

Papa had a stroke April 25, 1961:entered the rest home June 14; and died July 19. Mama died July 23, 1961, just four days after papa.”

Notes of Trudie Helm Stone Jordan, daughter of May Ross Helm:

   “Mother, May Ross Helm, was a devoted mother. Her family always came first with her. She was also a devoted Christian all her life. Because she was a wonderful seamstress, our father saw that she had lots of material on hand at all times. She was a good cook (that ran in her family to be noted for setting a good table) and her family was always well fed. Each of the girls inherited that talent.

   “We children were taught about the Bible stories by the time we could talk. We could all read, write, and spell before we went to school. We were all taught to sing before we could talk and to kneel beside our beds for prayers. Mama took time out to teach us to make doll clothes and to feel a personal interest in the way our homes look, inside and out. She and her family were always very close in fun or disappointments. She never turned a hungry person from her door. She allowed us children to have friends in to eat and occasionally to spend the night. Between her and Dad, we always had new clothes for special affairs. She was a fine neighbor, always ready to give a helping hand in sickness or other times. Neighbors felt free to call on her.”

May Ross & Charles Augustus Helm

The following is a poem written by Trudie Helm when her mother was very ill near death, and Trudie was staying with her to help:

    “There is the face of a women- our Mother;  It is a face that portrays great depth of human emotion. There is so much in it pale, pinched, and wan. Great lines of suffering mar its beauty and sweetness, and even Now her lips are drawing in a thin line of agony. Her body is racked with acute suffering. She is typical of countless cases of endless pain and suffering; For twelve years she has suffered, and twelve years is a long time. Her malady seems to be a pernicious hemorrage or a form of bleeding cancer. She has gone to many physicians and is no better, but rather worse. She has spent all that she has; and every new day is another hopeless dawn. Every sunset is stained with the blood of her pain. She is typical of human despair, physical despair, but not spiritual despair; For her the world can offer no healing, but she has touched the robe of the Great Healer.

“I wish the world could have seen her kneeling down beside her bed saying her prayers when the doctor said he did not know what kept her alive for the last three years.”  Trudie