Maury County, Tennessee

Sabrina was born in Maury County, Tennessee to Edom C. Love and Annie Strickland in 1818. She met and married John H Ross in Maury Tennessee on Nov. 28, 1833

John H. Ross and Sabry Love Marriage Record

1840 Census Sabrina lives with her two children under the age of 5 years old. Her husband died leaving her a widow at the age of 22 yrs old.

1850 Census Sabra Ross 35 yrs. old with her two children Tennessee

Dallas, Texas

Census Report 1860- Family lives in Dallas, Texas

Sabra Ross lives with her Son in-law and daughter, Martha and their three children. Sabra/Sabrina was 42 years old at the time. 

Census Report 1880

Sabra lived with her son William Jackson Ross and Nannie Griffin Ross and their five children in 1880. She had lived with her daughter for a period of time and now it was Williams (our G..G.. Grandfather) turn to take care of his mother. She died three years after this Census Report at the age of 66 years old.

Cleburne Memorial Cemetery, Johnston Co. Texas