1870 United States Census

George H Kimbrough was 2 years old living with his mother Elizabeth nicknamed Bettie and his father John Wesley. He had a younger sister Esther that was born that year. They were a very prosperous family living in Kemper, Mississippi

1880 United States Census- Scooba, Kemper, Mississippi

In 1880 George was 12 yrs old. He lived with his mother and father in Scooba, Mississippi. He was the oldest of five sibling at the time. He had two younger brothers and two sisters. The Kimbrough’s were a close family.  George lived on a plantation next to his Uncle George, his mother’s brother and his Grandma Esther Love Steele (60 yrs. old).  He was able to hang out with many of his cousins on a regular basis. Grandma Esther lost her husband eight years prior and moved in with Uncle George. Grandma Esther Love Steele would visit on a regular basis. 

1900 United States Census Scooba, Kemper, Mississippi

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Mary H. Jackson was a widow in 1900. Her husband suddenly got ill and died in 1897. She had two small children, Walter Herbert, and Howard. She lived with her mother Mary Carter Jackson and her older brother John.  Howard ended up getting deathly sick and passing away. George was there to console her and later that year they married.

A list of the Soldiers in the 1st Mississippi Infantry- Company K

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George Kimbrough of Scooba Mississippi is listed towards the bottom with the arrow

Muster Card for George Kimbrough Spanish/American War

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Minnie H. Kimbrough applies for a military pension for her husband George Kimbrough.
