Mathew Jackson of Alabama-Land Grant For 79 Acres

The West half of the Southeast quarter of section 14 in township 11 North of Range 18 East. Containing seventy nine acres and ninety eight hundredths of an acre. Signed and sealed 24th day of February 1841

Mathew Jackson of Kemper County, Mississippi purchasing an additional 159 acres of land on 27th of February 1841

Robert Jackson ---Unable to care for himself

Mathew Jackson’s younger brother. 

Feb. 26, 1823 Inheritance Disbursement


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

This day the sheriff of Tuscaloosa returned in open court-.. of Jurors who summoned by him in pursuance of an order of this court, to ascertain whether Robert Jackson of said county, is non compos mentis, unable to take car of himself- And it appearing to the satisfaction of the court- from the request (?) aforesaid that said Robert Jackson is non compos mentis, and unable to take care of himself – whereupon it is ordered by the court that Mathew Jackson be and he is hereby appointed Guardian for said Robert Jackson. He having entered into Bond in the su of Twenty seven hundred dollars, with Thomas Goodman and William Jennings his securities. 

Mathew Jackson Probate Records 1855

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Order for Division.        Page 10

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Appeal Courts Decision by William R. Jackson.       Page 18