1870 United States Census- Kemper, Mississippi

John Wesley and Elizabeth were married shortly after the Civil War in 1866. Elizabeth went by Bettie. They had to rebuild their lives after the tragedy of war ravage the country and their family. They were farmers and worked hard for what they had. By 1870 they had two children George (our great..great..grandfather) and Esther. 

1880 United States Census -Scooba, Kemper, Mississippi

By 1880 John(age 42) and Bettie(age 33) had five children, three boys and two beautiful daughters. At the time three of them attended school (George 12, Esther, 10 and Thomas, 7). The other two little ones, John age 5 and baby Mary Gunter age 1 stayed home with their mom. They were religious and family oriented. Bettie lost two brother’s to the Civil War. Her last remaining brother, George lived on a Plantation next to their’s. Her brother, George had their mother Esther Love Steele age 60 living with him as shown in the census above.  

John Wesley Kimbrough's Military Service Records 1861-1864

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John Wesley Kimbrough Civil War Battles and Skirmishes fought
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