Personally appeared before me Edom Love who having been duly sworn…on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the acts of Congress providing pensions for those who may be wounded or disabled while in the service of the United States at Fayetteville in Tennessee in or about the 28th day of January 1814 in the company commanded by Captain Andrew McCarty of the First Tennessee Militia commanded by Colonel Richard C Napier for the term of 3 months that he was a private in said company….that said regiment marched from Fayetteville in Tennessee to Fort Strauther, From thence to Fort Williams that while on the line of march from Fort Williams to Fort Jackson in the Alabama Territory that between the 10th and 15th days of April, the precise day he cannot now remember, after a march in cold rain the regiment went to camp and that the said Edom Love was detailed to provide guard duty immediately upon going into camp and that it had then commenced snowing having turned very cold and that when released was frost bitten in the left arm from the elbow down being that portion of his arm that was exposed and at rest whilest carrying and supporting arms and that he was unable to perform service after that night and further declares that…his age is nearly fifty-five and a citizen of Lewis County, Tennessee Edom Love.