Howards Younger Years with his Dad and Mom Age 4-8 Yrs. Old


Howard had two older siblings. David Russell was the oldest and Lucille Helen was just older than him. He had a half brother who he was close too named Warren Edward Rasmussen. Warren grew up in Grandma Peterson’s home and Howard visited on occasion.  They all loved each other so much. Through the good and bad they were there together. 

Memories Of My Mother

My Grandma Peterson

Letter Written to Howard by his Grandma Peterson during WWII

Dear Howdy.                                                             November 11, 1943
I must try and write a few lines to you and I feel very apreciative to you for remembering me in your very and … busy life. I am sure glad to get your letters. No doubt you miss your mothers letters. She was always hoefull that she would get well before you should come home. She said she did not like to tell you all the time how sick she was for fear that you would worry that is just like good mothers, well I am glad that you take it as cheerfull as you do as fighting is not in your line but we can not help that things are as they are and our young men have to fight the battles for us to preserve our freedom as we don’t want either Jap or German rule. I will rather look forward to the Savior come and rule the world. I was surprised to hear that you have moved. I was in Midvale with my sister when the first letter came but Edna (Hilda’s daughter) sent it to me but I had runed out of paper there so I could not write then so I was glad that Edna wrote. I came home last Saturday, but I am no good traveler any more unless I could go with you. The traveling is too crowded and complicated. I got the ticket to o in Garland alright and got to Salt Lake alright but somehow the mail failed to go through in time so I had nobody to meet me but I took a taxi and went to my nice but when I went home it took over an hour to get

a ticket to Garland as there was so many people giving … way. The buses are over crowded wherever we go but I enjoyed my visit there my sister has all her children close around and they all treat one other same as they do their mother. She had her 82nd Birthday after I got there and they had a chicken fryer for her but they all have one or two sons in the army and two of the boys came home on a furlow while I was there. Clara has one boy that has been in Texas for a while in Camp Hood he is studying for Sergent. Sebria has two in the army and one on mission in California one of Claras boys joined the navy he is only 18. Maime has one in Pearl Harbor. he was in the Midway Island when they had the first attack. You know Ron and Doris’s boy is in England now and so it goes, you say that you have snow where you are. We have not had any snow in the valley they had some in Brigham and Ogden but they have been so busy with the beets. They had some rain that put them back some and now we have had a few cold nightsso it has froze the gound some. Fred hear got his beets up. It so hard to get help when they need it. Women an girls have to help Freds two girls have been topping the beets and sometimes the whold family. Eph has not got so many. Well you are not interested in farming just now, I wish you good luck and all the hope while you are in the army and hope that you can come back alright and see us. I have a nasty cold just now but I hope that I will get over it again soon. I can feel my age but I’m thankful for all that I have and your letters are very welcome. Love from your grandmother
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My Father-- David Charles Lundeen

Dad had an older brother Joseph Leopold Lundeen and a younger sister Thekla Helena came to the United States from Stockholm, Sweden after they joined the LDS Church. They settled in Midvale, Utah.  Dad loved his family. He was concerned for their welfare and happiness.  Howard and family were able to visit a few times with Aunt Nell and her son Russell Ihrig, our cousin.

Young Adult Years

A postcard David sent to his children

David Charles (Howard’s Father) on the Left, Joseph Leopold in the middle and Mr. G. Larignino. The three of them were partners and owned eight claims in the Pendant Mining Company.

On the back of the Cabin picture above– “We had no Autos those days, Note me standing up against the wagon, Uncle Joe just through patching his Overhauls apprently not a very good job on the knee. This is the Hotel you will dine at when you go out in September called the Hotel Lucille Howard.”

David wrote his son Howard in 1934

My Dear Son Howard                                                                               Jan. 21, 1934

    I am thinking it high time I was answering your last letter. I wrote Lucile last & I have rather been expecting a letter from her before writing but as yet have not had a reply. I do hope you are all O.K. I am pretty well and engaging myself in my new suit of close. Our weather … has been bitter for this time of the year than for 60 yrs. That was an awful disaster you had in Los Angeles (the nite of the 1st)  I was so glad when I seen the death list that my dear ones were safe. Mining here is picking up. They are already starting work on properties in Dugway and I think by next summer we will be able to handle our property to good advantage. Have you called on Mr. Laraginnio as yet. Please let me know what he has to say about the proposition and if he has put any price on his interest as I may be asked any time as to what they are holding their interest at. I hope you are still working so you will be able to come here and go out to Dugway with me when the time comes so we can hold the title to the (?? unparted) Group of claims. I must get out there in June some way as it is to valuable ground to let go by default — of course if you can’t possibly come I will have to figure out some other way of getting out their unless I should sell the property before that time. I have not heard from Aunt Nell since the 2nd. Have you called on her lately? Give her my love when you see her. The times have seems to be picking up but I am unable to get any of the  W.9. work. I guess they figure I am to old. Their is so many that have had no chance so much younger than me. How is my darlling Grand children. Kiss them for grandpa when you see them. I never hear from Floryda any more or her parents. My best wishes to your mama and all whom I (????). Please write me soon. With Oodles of love to you and Lucile XXXX                              From Your Loving daddie Lundeen


The following Claims  Harvester No. 1 Harvester No. 2, Harvester No. 3, located in the Dugway Mining Dist. Toole County State of Utah  claims are more particularly described in the book of locations of Toole County. Utah. 


David Charles Lundeen Mining Claim

Military Career of Captain Howard K Smith 1942-1945


Military Training


Margie my half-sister 1944


My first date with Camille Helm 1944


Our Honeymoon Nov/Dec 1945 Washington D.C/New York