Mathilda Maria Andersdotter Baptism Record

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Mathilda Maria Andersdotter Immigration record

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A Letter Hilda wrote to her Grandson Howard while he was in the Army November 11, 1943

Dear Howdy            November 11, 1943

I must try and write a few lines to you and I feel very apreciative to you for remembering me in your very and … busy life. I am sure glad to get your letters. No doubt you miss your mothers letters.  She was always hoefull that she would get well before you should come home. She said she did not like to tell you all the time how sick she was for fear that you would worry that is just like good mothers, well I am glad that you take it as cheerfull as you do as fighting is not in your line but we can not help that things are as they are and our young men have to fight the battles for us to preserve our freedom as we don’t want either Jap or German rule. I will rather look forward to the Savior come and rule the world. I was surprised to hear that you have moved. I was in Midvale with my sister when the first letter came but Edna (Hilda’s daughter) sent it to me but I had runed out of paper there so I could not write then so I was glad that Edna wrote. I came home last Saturday, but I am no good traveler any more unless I could go with you. The traveling is too crowded and complicated. I got the ticket to o in Garland alright and got to Salt Lake alright but somehow the mail failed to go through in time so I had nobody to meet me but I took a taxi and went to my nice but when I went home it took over an hour to get


a ticket to Garland as there was so many people giving … way. The buses are over crowded wherever we go but I enjoyed my visit there my sister has all her children close around and they all treat one other same as they do their mother. She had her 82nd Birthday after I got there and they had a chicken fryer for her but they all have one or two sons in the army and two of the boys came home on a furlow while I was there. Clara has one boy that has been in Texas for a while in Camp Hood he is studying for Sergent. Sebria has two in the army and one on mission in California one of Claras boys joined the navy he is only 18. Maime has one in Pearl Harbor. he was in the Midway Island when they had the first attack. You know Ron and Doris’s boy is in England now and so it goes, you say that you have snow where you are. We have not had any snow in the valley they had some in Brigham and Ogden but they have been so busy with the beets. They had some rain that put them back some and now we have had a few cold nightsso it has froze the gound some. Fred hear got his beets up. It so hard to get help when they need it. Women an girls have to help Freds two girls have been topping the beets and sometimes the whold family. Eph has not got so many. Well you are not interested in farming just now, I wish you good luck and all the hope while you are in the army and hope that you can come back alright and see us. I have a nasty cold just now but I hope that I will get over it again soon.  I can feel my age but I’m thankful for all that I have and your letters are very welcome.                                 Love from your grandmother

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Andrew Peterson Death Certificate- 74 Years Old

Important Information- Date of Birth: January 12, 1841   Date of Death July 24, 1915  Occupation: Farming Birth Place Sweden Parents… Father: Mons Peterson   Mother: Hannah Peterson

Hilda's Death Certificate February 3, 1946 ..89 Years Old

Important information– Widowed, Spouse Andrew Peterson.   Birth Date: December 25, 1856     Parents Andrew Johnson and Anna Marie Erikson   Birthplace: Sweden    Buried: East Garland, Utah