Andrew and Hilda Peterson with three of their small children

Picture Taken 1887

Hilda Peterson Elementor

Howard’s mother, Adelia Maria Peterson in the middle about 5 years old.  Andrew and Hilda are Howard K. Lundeen’s grandparents

Farming in Sweden --laboring in the fields to harvest the hay and grain

“ I grow older I had to engage in hard work in the field through harvesting hay and grain during the falls we had to work in flax which took much labor as the women had to do all that. We pulled the flax up by the roots and tied them in sheeves like grain and set them up to dry after it got dry we had a coarse comb that we pulled it through to get the seeds off then we spread it out thin on stubble ground for about three weeks till the fiber begin to get looser then we raked it up and hauled it home and dried it in a house built for that. There we had a rig to break it with to get the stems from the fiber then it was beaten with a wooden I call it sword to get all the stems away so that we got the flax so that we pulled it through a finer comb and the flax was then ready to spin but we had to spin what we combed out of the flax too, so we could use that too, for weaving cloth for towels.”  Hilda

Hilda's Home in Wedicka, Hokhufvud, Stockhol, Sweden

Hilda and her family lived with her Grandfather, Aunts and Uncle Erick to help take care of the family when Hilda’s Grandmother passed away. Hilda was only 6 years old at the time. She had a very close relationship with them and would go with her Aunt Josefina and Uncle Erick to hear the Missionaries. She joined the LDS Church in 1879 and immigrated in 1880.

Hökhuvud Parish Stockholm Sweden


The Hökhuvud Parish is the church that Hilda and her parents would’ve attended in Stockholm, Sweden. Built in 1771

Pictures of Hilda's Brother, Sister's, and Parents

Hilda’s parents were Maria and Andrew Grön Jansson/Johnson.. She had two sisters, Anna Charlotta and Delia Sophia and a brother, Karl whom she loved very much. Both of her sisters, Anna and Delia and parents immigrated to the United. Her brother, Karl Johan chose to stay in Öregrun, Stockholm, Sweden.  Hilda’s sister’s son Wallace Malmstrom served his mission in Sweden from 1911-1914.  We have some of the pictures of Hilda’s brother Karl and quite a few of the extended family from his missionary journey. While in Sweden he got to visit with his Uncle Karl who was his mother’s brother who lived in Öregrund. On bicycles they rode to his mother’s old home in Väddika, Hökhuvud. He was able to persuade the people living there to spend 1 night in the home.

Pictures of Hilda's Grandmother, Aunts and Uncle

Hilda Maria Peterson


Hilda reading a book in East Garland


Hilda Feeeding the Chicken's at the East Garland Farm

Grandma Hilda with Seven of Her Children

GrandmaPetersonwithchildren Elemen

Howard and Camille with daughter Pam visited Hilda and Andrews home in East Garland- 1995  Howard had so many fond memories working on the farm and visiting with his Uncles in the kitchen at night.


East Garland, Utah Howard Lundeen with two of Hilda’s son’s (his uncles) and Hilda’s great great grand-daughter Kiersten