Thomas T Kimbrough            Born 1808 Died 1890

married 1833.    Shelby, Tennessee

Eliza Gunter       Born 1818 Died 1850









Eliza J Gunter Kimbrough
Thomas T. Kimbrough Caroll Co., Mississippi

Kimbrough Family Cemetery

Thomas T. & Eliza Jane Kimbrough

Carrollton Mississippi Merchant


1808 Born Gallatin, Sumner, Tennessee to Marmaduke and Patsey Kimbrough

1833 Married Eliza Jane Gunter in Shelby, Tennessee .. John Gunter at marriage

Shelby Co., Tennessee marriage license for Thomas and Eliza


1836 Map of Shelby, Tennessee

Shelby is in the lower left of the state, circled in black

He had his first two children in Tennessee (One of them being John Wesley Kimbrough) Then shortly after moved to Mississippi.

1808 Born Gallatin, Sumner, Tennessee to Marmaduke and Patsey Kimbrough

1833 Married Eliza Jane Gunter in Shelby, Tennessee .. John Gunter at marriage

He had his first two children in Tennessee (One of them being John Wesley Kimbrough) Then shortly after moved to Mississippi.

1841-1848 5 children with Eliza Jane in Mississippi

1847  Mother, Patsey Kimbrough dies in Carrollton Co., Mississippi

1850—Real Estate $800 Owns 5 slaves,  7 Children and Thomas’s younger brother Joseph and his son live there

1850 Eliza Jane Dies leaving 7 small children

1853 Remarries 2nd time to Mary Ann Davis Gunn

1860 Thomas is a Merchant and Real Estate valued at $4000…10 Children live at home

1870 Thomas 61yrs  and Mary 43yrs Merchant Real Estate $2500  

He pays for a live in Cook and her 12yrs. son

 7 Children living at home between 3 yrs.

1880 Thomas 71yrs Mary 53yrs….4 children at home between 10-24yr

Retired Merchant

1890 He died… buried in Kimbrough family Cemetery Carrollton, Carroll County Mississippi

John Wesley Kimbrough  (GGF), Thomas’s second son served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War. I am sure there were more of his children that served as well.

  • Listed on Census as– Retired Merchant

1856 Carrollton, Carroll Co., Mississippi Map

Carroll County is circled in Black

1890 He died… buried in Kimbrough family Cemetery Carrollton, Carroll County Mississippi

As of July 23, 2016, Carrollton still flies the Confederate Battle Flag, along with the United States flag, at the memorial to the Confederate dead at the county courthouse.

John Wesley Kimbrough (Camille Helm GGF), Thomas’s second son served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War. I am sure there were more of his children that served as well.