Jackson Family Plantation

The Lundeen family visited the Mathew Jackson Plantation.  It was is disrepair with a couple of squatter families living there. On the left is Pam Lundeen and the right is Kris Lundeen with a couple of the tenants.


Maps relating to where they were born, where, they lived, and where they are buried


Records related to land grants, christenings, military, newspapers, census & Etc.


Timeline of the important events related to their lives individually and together


Family pictures that help us understand who they were, how they lived, and what they looked like.

Vestige of the old cistern or well where Camille Helm Lundeen drew the drinking water as a small child when her family lived at the Jackson Plantation in Old Scooba, Mississippi. (Grandma Frances Steele Kimbrough, Camille, Kim, Ken, Pam Lundeen on their family trip)

Mathew and Jane Jackson -Brief Life Sketch

I was born Frances Steele Kimbrough on January 12, 1903, near the small town of Scooba, Kemper County, Mississippi. My parents, lived near the lovely old home where my grandmother Mary Louisa Carter Jackson, died January 24, 1897. My great grandfather, Mathew Jackson, built the house in the early 1830’s and he and his wife, Jane Aiken Jackson, lived and reared their family there. He died there in 1853 and his wife in 1855. My grandparents lived there and reared their family. Mathew Jackson was among the first settlers to come into that section, which was at that time Indian Territory. He received a deed to the land in the early 1830’s signed by Martin Van Buren who was then President of the United States.

About the same time that Mathew Jackson came to Mississippi, Clarke Carter and his wife, Sarah, came in and settled on land that joined the Jackson land on the east and north. They too built a large colonial home in the typical architectural style. These people homesteaded the land and built small homes to live in while they were building their large beautiful antebellum homes. Both reared large families. My great grandfather, Mathew Jackson was the first to cross the Choctaw Purchase and settle in what is now Kemper County, Mississippi. That part was then all Indian territory. On October 29, 1851, Albert Emmett Jackson and Mary Louisa Carter were married. They had six girls and two boys. My mother was next to the youngest.        -Frances Steele Kimbrough

In the fall of 1932, Mother was given title to the Old Jackson Homestead that had been the birthplace of Momo, my maternal grandmother, Minnie Howard Jackson Kimbrough. Our family then moved to that lovely old colonial style plantation. My great, great grandfather Mathew Jackson, and grandmother Jane Aiken Jackson, who were some of the first settlers of the area (which was Indian Territory at the time). Their gravesites are in Old Scooba, the Cannon and the Turner Cemeteries just off Highway 16, along with my great grandparents Albert Emmett Jackson and Mary Louisa Carter Jackson and her parents Clarke and Sarah Carter who had settled on land joining the Jacksons.  Grandpa Jackson received the deed  to the land in the early 1830’s. Momo’s family had continued to live there through the years, and as was the custom in South before the Civil War, they had many slaves. The plantation had spread over hundreds of acres of cotton, corn, and fruit orchards, but was only 120 acres when Mother inherited it. The location was about four miles east of Scooba on a dirt road, two miles from Old Scooba. 

The old rambling, colonial style home, showing its age at this point, was nestled in a charming grove of crept myrtle trees that bloomed splendidly all summer, excited my imagination even at hte age of seven. It was here in these wide open spaces, that I first felt a closeness to Heavenly Father and to His creatures.

I recall taking walks in the wooded areas, drawing water with a bucket on a pulley from the old fashioned round brick lined well (or cistern as we called it) and drinking from the gourd family drinking cup that always hung on the arch; bringing cows home from the pasture at sunset; being frightened by the thunderstorms and the lightening struck many trees around the home; going blackberry picking with Mother for canning;  heating the old, very large, black cast iron pot in the backyard for boiling clothes on washdays; bringing in the eggs; being joined by Daddy for hickory nut hunts through the nearby woods on an occasional Saturday; picking persimmons from the two trees on the grounds and eating them by the dozen; riding the school bus four miles each way daily to school; and East egg hunts at the home of friends about a mile down the road. Each of these things bring a whole book of memories for me.                            —Elizabeth Camille Helm

Transcription of Probate Records for Mathew Jackson.  Feb, 7, 1853

(Probate and Slave Inventory of Mathew Jackson Deceased)

[Page 1 missing]         

[p 2]     E. Jackson, James A. Jackson and Martha J. C. Jackson, all of whom are of full age except

the said Martha J. C. who is a minor; Wit your petitioners believing that said estate should be

immediately administered, pray that your Honor will grant letters of administration to them in

the promises, upon qualifying themselves according to law and the directions of this court, and your petitioners will ever pray Ho.

Sworn to  & Subscribed in open

Court, this the 7th day of Feby [February]                  Jane L. Jackson

  1.    Wm G. Grill Clerk Ed. A. Jackson

And at the time of filing said petition, a bond was executed in the Words and figures following – Towit –


Know all men by the these presents, that We Jane L. Jackson, Edwin A. Jackson, Balis E. Cannon,

Joseph C. Carnathaw, Daxius D. Dozier, Albert E. Jackson, William Harper, + James A. Jackson, are held and firmly bound unto the State of Mississippi, in the penal Sum of Fifty thousand Dollars, for the payment Whereof well and truly to be made, to the said state of Mississippi, We bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by this presents, Signed by us and sealed, With our seals this 7th day of February AD 1853 – The condition of this obligation is, that if the said Jane L. Jackson + Edwin A Jackson administrator + administratrix of the goods, chattels and credits of [p 3] Matthew Jackson, deceased, do make a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods, chattels, and credits of the said deceased, which have or shall come to the hands, possession or knowledge of them, the said Jane L. and Edwin A Jackson, or into the hands or possession of any other person or persons for them, and the Same So made, do exhibit into the probate court of Kemper County, when they shall be thereunto  by the said court; and Such goods, chattels and credits, do well and truly administer, according to Law; and further do make a just and true account of their actings and doings therein; When thereunto required by the said Court; and all the rest of the said goods, chattels and credits

which shall be found remaining upon the account of the said administrator + administratrix, the

same being first examined and allowed by the said court, shall deliver and pay unto such

persons respectively as are entitled to the same by same; and if it shall hereafter appear, that

any last Will and Testament was made by the deceased, and the same be proved in court, and

the executor or executors obtain letters testamentary, and the said Jane L + Edwin A. Jackson,

do in such case, being required, render and delivery up their letters of administration, then this

obligation to be said, also to remain in full force;

[p 4]                 I approve this bond +                          Jane L. Jackson

                        Securities this 7th day                          Ed A. Jackson

                        Of February 1853.                               B. E Cannon

                        James T Bohameson                           J. C. Carnathaw

                        Judge of Probatis                                D. D. Dozier

                                                                                    Albert E. Jackson

                                                                                    William Harper

                                                                                    James A Jackson

And at the same term of the Court and after the execution of said bond, the following order was made – Towit “

Order Granting Letters

                        In the matter of the estate                 upon reading the

                        of Matthew Jackson, deceased          petition of Jane L

                                                                                    Jackson, the Widow,

and Edwin A. Jackson one of the children and next of kin of Matthew Jackson, deceased, It is ordered by the Court that letters of administration be granted to said Jane L. and Edwin A. Jackson, upon the estate of said Matthew Jackson, deceased, upon their taking the oath prescribed by Law, and entering into bonds in the form of the Statute in the Sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars, with Balis E. Cannon, Joseph C. Carnathaw, Daxius D. Dozier, Albert E Jackson, William Harper, + James A. Jackson as their Securities; and the said Jane L + Edwin A Jackson, having this day appeared in open Court and taken said oath, and together with said Securities, signed, sealed and delivered said bond, said letters of administration, to said Jane L + Edwin A Jackson, are now granted, and ordered to be issued and recorded according to the statute; [p 5] It is further ordered, upon motion of the petitioners, that Joseph C. Carnathaw, Daxius D. Dozier + Balis E. Cannon, be appointed appraisers, to value and appraise, the goods, chattels and personal estate of said decedent, and that a Warrant be issued in this behalf, according to the statute;


The States of Mississippi – Kemper County – LL.

By the Probate Court of said county – Whereas Matthew Jackson, deceased, late of said County, died intestate, as we are informed, having whilst he lived, and at the time of his death, divers goods, chattels, rights and credits, within this state; and are desiring that the said goods, chattels, rights, and credits, may be well and truly administered, converted and disposed of, do hereby grant unto Jane L + Edwin A Jackson full power by the tenor of these presents, to administer the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which to the deceased in in his life time and at the time of his death did belong; to ask, levy, recover, and receive the same and pay the debts for which the deceased, stood bound, so far as the goods, chattels, rights, credits, lands, tenements and hereditaments of the said deceased will extend, according to the rate and order of the said debts in said; to make a true and perfect inventory of said goods, chattels, rights and credits, and the same to exhibit in the office of this court, at or before the expiration of six months from the date hereof, and to [p 6] render a Just account of said administration When Hereunto legally required, and the said Jane L. + Edwin A Jackson are hereby ordained admininstratix and administrator of All and Singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of the said Matthew Jackson, deceased – Hitigp, the Honorable James T Bohameson, Judge of the Probate Court of said county the 1st Monday of February AD 1853. Wm G. Gill, Clerk;

And at the April term 1853 of said Probate Court, a Petition was filed in the words and figures following – To wit”

Petition for Division

The State of Miss        The Petition of Edwin A

Kemper County           Jackson administration and

Jane L Jackson administratix of Matthew Jackson late of county, said county, respectfully represents unto the Hon. James T. Bohannon Judge of the Probate court for said county, that Mathew late of said county, departed this life some time about the 18th day of January 1853, interstate, leaving as heirs and distributors of his estate a Widow and five children; That said decedent left a large real and personal estate, which was almost entirely unencumbered with Debts – The Whole indebtedness against him not exceeding one thousand Dollars, for the payment of which the cotton crop on hand at the time of the death of said decedent was more than ample, it being worth near Twenty Six Hundred Dollars – That at the [p 7] February term 1853 of your Honorable court, Letters of administration on the estate of said Decedent, were granted to Petitioners;

That Petitioners, and Albert E Jackson, William R. A Jackson, James A Jackson and Martha J. C. Jackson are the only heirs and distributers of said estate, all of whom reside in the county aforesaid and are of full age except Martha J. C. Jackson;

That Petitioners, from their Knowledge of his condition of the estate, believe that it is the interest of the heirs and distributers of said estate to have a distribution thereof, so far as the same can be effected, as we are satisfied that the proceeds of the crop of cotton, before attended to, and of the sale of perishable property will be more than sufficient to pay any debts against said Decedent.

They therefore pray your Honor to make an order and to appoint commissioners as directed by the statute in such cases provided; to divide according to the law of descent of this state, the following named slaves among the heirs and distributers above named; Tom aged 50 years, Daphne 50, Nancy 43, Anthony 45, Julius 32, Henry 30, George 20, Daniel 24, Sarah 29, Malinda 24, Clarissa 24, Evalin 22, Maria 20, Lucinda 22, Amos 17, Richmond 15, Jona 20, Phireby 18, Harriett 16, Sophy 15, Patsy 14, Mary 13, Elvina 11, Charles 4, Green 13, Ann 10, Frank 8, John 6, Sandy 4, Booker 8, Ellen 6, Albert 3, Fanny 6, Matilda 4, Martha 9 months, David 6 years,

[p 8] Allen 4 years, July  2, Harriett 4, Peter 7 months Bill 2 years;

That one of your petitions towit, Edwin A Jackson, is the guardian of said Martha J. C. Jackson, and suggests the propriety of appointing a guardian and Litem to protect the interest of said minor in this suit;

That one of your petitioners, to wit Edwin A. Jackson received about the year 1846 or 1847, a negro Boy Jim, who is now about 21 years old; as an advancement from said decedent, and that another heir and distributer of said decedent, to wit, William R. A. Jackson received about the same time and in the same way three negroes as follows – to wit – Jane a girl now about 20 years old, boy Henry now about twenty years old, and girl Beatrice now about thirteen years old; which advancements petitioners are advised, and believe should be brought into hotchpot, with the whole estate of said decedent, petitioners therefore pray your Honor, to order the commissioners who may be appointed to divide the slaves among the heirs and distributers of said estate, to take into account said slaves which have been heretofore advanced, as above stated;

Petitioners further pray your Honor, to order that each of said heirs and distributers before receiving his or her share of said negroes enter into bond, with good security, payable to petitioners, to refund a due [p 9] proportion of any debts or demands, which may hereafter appear against the said Matthew Jackson, and the cost attendant on the recovery of said Debts

                        Sworn to and subscribed                                Welsh + Hamm

                        In open court, this the                                    Solicitors for Pet.

                        4th day of April 1853

                                    Wm G. Gill Clerk                                 Edwin A. Jackson

Order for Division

And at the said April term 1853, of said Probate Court, the following order was

made in the matter of the Petition of on reading and filing

Jane L. Jackson and Edwin                              said petition, it appearing

A Jackson admx + admr of                              to the satisfaction of the court,

Matthew Jackson, Decd, for                           that the said Jane L. is the

Division of the personal estate                       Widow, of said intestate,

of said deceased

And the said Edwin A. is also a son of deceased and heir at Law of said estate, and it appearing

further to the satisfaction of the court, that William R. Jackson, Albert E. Jackson, James A.

Jackson and Martha J. C. Jackson an heirs and distributers of said estate; and it being

represented to the court, that said Martha J. C. Jackson is under age and incapable of

representing her interest in this proceeding, It is ordered that William G. Gill be, and he is

hereby appointed Guardian ad Litem to said Martha J. C. Jackson to protect her interest in this

proceeding; and said Guardian having accepted the same in open court, and this day came into

open court,  the said William R. Jackson, Albert E. Jackson, James A. Jackson [p 10] and

William G. Gill Guard for said Martha J. C. Jackson, and waived all notice of citation in this case

by their written consent endorsed on said petition, and consented that an order be made for

Division ???;

If is thereupon ordered by the court that Oswell Y. Neely, Cornelius R. McCaskill, Balis. E.

Cannon, D. D. Dozier and Robert E. Adams, be appointed commissioners, and as such they are

hereby ordered and directed  to divide the negro property agreeably to the Law of descents of

this state, having due regard to any advancements which may have been made to said heirs by

Matthew Jackson, which you are to appraise at its present value; and to ascertain each heirs

share thereof; and that the said Jane L + Edwin A, admx + admy as aforesaid distribute among

said heirs their respective shares of said negro property thus divided and allotted by said

commissioners requiring from said heirs or their legal representations, if they think proper,

bonds conditioned that if said personal estate shall be found charged with any outstanding

debts of intestate or charges legally incurred in settling his estate; the said distributers will

refund his, her or their rateable proportion of the amount necessary for the payment of said

Debts and charges, that the said commissioners give five days notice of the time and place of

assembling for the purpose of making said division to the said heirs of age and within this state,

and to the Guardians of such as are under age; [p 11] and that they make and return underoath

a full report, of their proceedings under this order this order, certified under this hands and

seals, at the next May term of this court;

Endorsement Of Petition

Ho. Wm R. A. Jackson, Albert E Jackson, James A. Jackson, + William G. Gill

Guardian ad litem for Martha J. C. Jackson, hereby waive the necessity of notice, and consult that an order for Division may be had ????, this 4th – Apl 1853.

                                                                                    Wm R Jackson

                                                                                    Albert E. Jackson

                                                                                    James A Jackson

                                                                                    Wm G. Gill, Guardian ad litem

                                                                                    For Martha J. C. Jackson

And pursuance of said order or commission issued in these words – To wit –

The state of Mississippi – Kemper County – S. S.

To Oswell Y. Neely, Cornelius R. McCaskill, Balis. E. Cannon, D. D. Dozier and Robert E. Adams.

Greeting – Know Ye, That at a Term of the Probate court of Kemper County, state aforesaid,

began and held at the court house in and for said county, on the first Monday in April A D 1853,

Your Hon Appointed Commissioners to divide the negro property of the estate of Matthew

Jackson late of said county deceased, among his legal heirs; and you are by his presents

authorized and directed to divide the said negro property among the heirs at law of the said

decedent agreeably to the law [p 12] of descents of this state; having due regard to any

advancements which may have been made said heirs by Matthew Jackson, which you are to

appraise at its present value, to ascertain each heirs share of said negro property by Lot and to

assign and set off to said heirs respectively their shares of said negro property so ascertained

and allocated, and you are by these present further directed to give five days notice of the time

and place of your meeting for the purpose of making said Division, to such of said heirs as are of

age and within this state, and to the guardians of such as are minors; and to make and return

under oath a full reports of your proceeding under this commission, certified under your hands

and seals at the next term of this court;

                                    Witness the Hon James T. Bohannon

                                    Judge of said court, at the court house

                        Of said county the 1st Monday of April

                        A D 1853.         Wm G. Gill clerk.

Com’s Report 

The state of Mississippi

Kemper County                       Hon. James T. Bohannon

Judge of Probates, your commissioners appointed, at the April term of the probate court, acting

under the orders of said court, met at the late residence of Matthew Jackson, deceased, in said

county on the 14th day of April 1853, + thru + thru parcelled off the negro property of said

Decedent, [p 13] into Lots, according to their value and proceeded to draw and divide the same

amongst the legal heirs of said Decedent, which is more fully, exhibited in the words + figures

as follows;

                        Lot no 1.                      Drawn by Mrs Jane L. Jackson

                        Sarah                           650.00

                        Green                          555.00

                        Anne                           350.00

                        Frank                           300.00

                        John                            250.00

                        Sandy                          200.00

                        Julius                           850.00

                        Mary                           700.00             Total                           $3855.00

                        Under the distributional Share                                                      64.16

                        Lot No 2.                     Miss C. Jackson

                        Anthony                      900.00

                        Evaline                        700.00

                        David                           350.00

                        Allen                            225.00

                        Julia                             175.00

                        Laura                           850.00  [handwritten: “Jona 30?”]

                        Sophia                         650.00

                        Nancy                          50.00               Total                            3900.00

                        Over the Distributional                                                                10.84

                        Lot no 3.                      Edwin A. Jackson

                        Clarissa                        850.00

                        Fanny                          250.00

                        Matilda                       220.00

                        Martha                        125.00

[p 14]              Jim                               1000.00

                        Harriett                       850.00

                        Patsy                           650.00             Total                3945.00

                        Over Distributional share                                               65.84

                        Lot 4.                           Wm R. Jackson

                        Lucinda                       650.00

                        Bill                               200.00

                        Black Henry                 900.00

  1. Young Henry 750.00

                        Jane                             800.00

                        Beatrice (absent)        625.00             Total                3925.00

                        Over Distributional share                                                35.84

                        Lot No 5.                     Albert E. Jackson

                        Maria                          850.00

                        Harriet                         220.00

                        Peter                           100.00

                        Dan                              900.00

                        Daphne                       300.00

                        Richmond                    950.00

                        Charles                        220.00

                        Elvira                           500.00             Total                4040.00

                        George         less than nothing                                       100.00


                        Over Distributional share                                               50.84

                        Lot 6.                           Jas. A. Jackson

                        Malinda                       800.00

                        Booker                        300.00

                        Ellen                            225.00

                        Albert                          175.00

                        Amos                           1000.00

[p 15]              Pheviba                       900.00

                        Tom                             400.00             Total                $3800.00

                        Under Distributional share                                                89.16

                                                Oswell Y Neely

                                                B E. Cannon

  1. R. McCaskill Commissioners
  2. E. Adams

                                                D D Dozier

The state of Mississippi          Personally approved

Kemper County                       before Hon John P.

Lipscomb an acting Justice of the peace in + for said county the above Robert E. Adams,

Cornelius R. McCaskill, D D Dozier, B. E. Cannon, + Oswell Y Neely who upon oath sayeth that

the above + foregoing is true as set forth in said report.

                        Sworn to + subscribed                                    Oswell Y. Neely

                        Before Hon this 14 day                       R E. Adams

                        Of April 1853.                                      D D Dozier

                        John P. Lipscomb                                B. E. Cannon

                        Justice of the Peace                            C. R. McCaskill

Order confirming report        

“And at the May term 1853 of said Court the following order was made – Towit “

                        In the matter of the Division              on filing the report

                        of the personal estate of                    of the commissioners

                        Matthew Jackson Deced                     appointed by this

Court at its last April term, to divide the slave property of Matthew Jackson, deceased,

remaining subject to division among the heirs at Law [p 16] it appearing to the satisfaction of

the court, upon hearing said report and the proofs and exhibits therewith filed, that the said

commissioners have divided the said slave property agreeably to the Law of descents, and that

the said commissioners in all of their proceedings, have strictly conformed to the requisitions

and preserved the directions of the statute in such case made and provided; and Edwin A.

Jackson, one of the heirs at Law of said Decedent, having this day appeared and moved the

court to confirm said division as are reported; and the court being now fully advised in the

premises and deeming it just right and proper that the same should be done, doth thereupon

order and decree that said division and report do in all things stand ratified and confirmed to be

observed by all parties concerned therein; and that said report and all proceedings had in the

matter of said Division be recorded;

[p 17] The state of Mississippi                        J, Geo L. Welsh, clerk

Kemper County                                   of the probate court of

Said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing sixteen pages contain a true and perfect

Transcript of the original papers and proceedings filed and had in the cause therein stated, as

fully and completely, as the same remain of record and on file in my office;

                                                In Testimony Whereof I hereto set

                                                My hand and affirm the seal of

                                                Said court, at office in the town

of Dekalb, March 2 1854

                                    Geo. L Welsh clerk

Having examined the petitions accompanying this record and being satisfied that there is probable ground for believing that there is error in the decree of the Probate court named in the record, an appeal is hereby granted to the petitioner William R. Jackson.

The clerk of the High Court of Enon and Appeals will therefore favor the proper citations to the adverse parties and docket said cause.

The clerk is at liberty at anytime, is a ???? of granting this appeal to require such security as he may think right, for the costs of this court.

                                                Given under my hand and seal

                                                This 13th day of April 1854

  1. Fisher


[p 18 ]              17 D__             No. 7079

                        Appeal from Kemper Probate Court

                        William R Jackson


                        Jane S Jackson ___

                        Filed 15 April 1854

                        With ….  …..    ….. Clk.

                        To Oct term 1854


                        April T. 1855. June 19th 1855

                        Submitted on brief Ho.

                        Apl 1855

                        June 25  328

                        Costs fixed 2/594                    117/1170